tea for headache

    A good tea for a headache can be the solution to your problem. Having headaches can disrupt our daily routine. Some of them may appear with lower intensities, but others go beyond the allowed limits. For that reason, we brought you some tea recipes that will help you when your head starts to hurt.

    tea for headache

    Many people carry in their bags and have a variety of industrialized medicines at home. As we know that everything in excess is bad, however, perhaps the solution is no longer in these medications.

    Even if they still have a good effect, drinking tea is always good for the body in general.

    Chamomile tea, for example, acts as a tranquilizer and helps the body relax. In this way, having a tea like this can greatly relieve your headache. Want to learn how to make this tea? Come with us.

    tea for headache

    Chamomile tea


    • 1 spoon of chamomile flowers;
    • 1 cup of boiling water.


    You can also potentiate the effects of this tea for headaches by including ginger. This root is very effective as it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

    tea for headache

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    How to prepare:

    In your cup of boiling water, add the chamomile flowers and cover for at least 3 minutes. Then strain the tea and sweeten it with honey or brown sugar. If you choose to introduce ginger, add it grated along with the flowers and do the same straining and sweetening process.

    tea for headache

    You can not only consume tea with a light meal. That's why our tip is bread with banana jelly, which even goes very well with yellow tea.

    Banana has tryptophan, an amino acid that helps to correctly synthesize serotonin (ideal for good mood and sleep).

    In addition, it has a good amount of magnesium, which also helps serotonin. See how to make delicious banana jam.

    tea for headache

    banana jelly


    • 10 dwarf bananas;
    • Water;
    • 15 tablespoons of honey;
    • 4 squeezed lemons.

    How to prepare:

    Start by cooking the bananas with a small amount of water. After they are cooked, remove the water and place the bananas, honey and lemon in a pan.

    Over low heat, mash the bananas and mix with the other ingredients. Add a little water until you see a reddish color, then continue mixing.

    As soon as the jelly starts to unglue from the bottom of the pan, it's ready! Wait for it to cool and consume with the breads.

    In conclusion:

    Help yourself to this headache tea whenever you feel the need. Also remember to look for natural alternatives for the pain that arise in the body. In extreme cases, seek specialized medical help.

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