Mudras, the sacred gestures that benefit health

Mudras are hand gestures to direct energy in the body during meditation. Of Sanskrit origin, they mean “gestures”, “seals” or “key”.

In Ayurveda and Yoga philosophies, the fingers represent the five elements:

  • Thumb: fire;
  • Indicator: With;
  • Medium: ether (Akasha);
  • Cancel: Earth;
  • Minimum: Water.

Thus, each of these elements, when in contact with the energy of fire (thumb) and together with breathing exercises (pranayama), initiate a magnetic current that stabilizes the body, creating balance and promoting healing.

Mudras, the sacred gestures that benefit health

Discover some mudras:

not East, these gestures are considered sacred by various religions, and used during meditation, fixing the mind in a particular state.

  • Vayu Mudra (mudra do Ar): ideal for relaxing and keeping your mind free from anxiety and stress. It also eliminates air from the stomach, aiding digestion. The base of the thumb is positioned over the index finger and the other fingers are extended, facing upwards.
  • Apana Vayu Mudra: indicated to prevent heart problems and high blood pressure. The index finger bends and touches the base of the thumb: the index finger touches the tips of the middle and ring fingers. The little finger is stretched.
  • Anjali Mudra: hands joined in front of the chest, in the form of a prayer, fingers pointing upwards. It can also be done in front of the forehead (third eye chakra) or above the head (crown chakra). It is the gesture of prayer, reverence or offering. In Reiki, Gassho meditation is practiced with this gesture, focusing attention on the sensations coming from the tips of the middle fingers.

Mudras, the sacred gestures that benefit health

How to activate the chakras

To activate the main chakras of the body, there are specific mudras; try to maintain a relaxed posture, sitting comfortably. Turn your attention to the sensations coming from each gesture, keeping your breath calm. Each mudra should be held for at least 15 minutes to best enjoy the results.:

  • Basic Chakra: arms resting on the legs, hands at knee height, thumb and index finger together.
  • Umbilical Chakra (sacral): hands on lap, palms facing up, let right hand rest on left hand, thumbs touch.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: join hands as a prayer, at the height between heart and stomach, fingers pointed forward, thumbs crossed
  • Cardiac Chakra: join the thumb and index finger of the right hand, letting them touch the center of the chest, at the level of the heart. The left hand should be resting on the knee.
  • Chakra: Laryngeal: hands placed at stomach height, fingers interlaced; the thumbs touch at the tips.
  • Brow Chakra (Third Eye): hands placed on the lower part of the chest, middle fingers extended and touching at the tips; the other fingers should be bent, touching at the height of the first joint.
  • Crown Chakra: hands in front of stomach, fingers interlaced. Little fingers should be stretched out, pointing up.

Mudras, the sacred gestures that benefit health

How to balance your energy with mudras

To quickly balance energy at any time or situation, practice the sequence of mudras with both hands at the same time, while walking or while sitting: join the tip of each finger to the thumb, starting with the index finger, then the middle, ring and little finger. Hold each position for a few seconds, up to 3 minutes each.

Mudras can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age. The best position to practice them is sitting, but nothing prevents them from walking or lying down. Try to stay relaxed and comfortable, without straining your fingers, noticing the sensations that come with each touch.

The ideal time is 5 to 20 minutes daily. Avoid practicing mudras right after meals (the only exception is Vayu Mudra); the best time options are in the morning or before going to sleep.


  • Mudras: Gestures that heal
  • Mudra
  • Apana Vayu Mudra
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