Attract positive energy

Why is it said that negative thinking attracts bad energies and vice versa? It is believed, since ancient times, that the power of thought is very present in our lives, which can be proved in practice.

When we are a little “down”, we behave accordingly and so things seem to flow in a bad flow. That is, negative thinking, induced by whatever the reasons, make our actions have equal reflection. We started to carry out activities with less desire, less commitment and not having the courage to take new initiatives and face new challenges.

Positive thinking has the opposite effect. When we are able to encourage ourselves for tasks, we are creative and engaged in thought, we pass such an atmosphere to our body and we are fully willing to move forward and be happy. And then there's the positive energy.

This process of energy control seems to happen almost unconsciously, because during our life and routine, we rarely stop to pay attention and understand what is really going on inside us. Therefore, identifying a more or less positive state requires some exploration and analysis of your mind and behavior.

For this, it is necessary to pay attention to some factors that may be causing a state of negative energies to be established, being necessary to eliminate it. A few small changes can change the atmosphere of your life and consequently their paths will be more successful and satisfying.

get out there

In order to eliminate negativity factors we must first identify them. Some easy steps are:

Analyze the environment you live in

Attract positive energy
Samantha Gades/Unsplash

Our home reflects our essence, whether it's a kitnet or a mansion, organization and the good flow of energy are essential to balance our inner energy. Take care of harmonizing the environment, there are many alternatives: plants, candles, incense, decorations, comforting colors, memories and positive portraits. Surrounding yourself with goodness brings us comfort and a sense of security at home.

Measure your words

Attract positive energy
Oleg Illarionov/Unsplash

How great is the power of the word? Language is one of the main factors for realizing and conveying our thoughts even within ourselves. Pronouncing or mentalizing negative words expresses the same in their attitudes. If heavy and discouraging words are present in your vocabulary, it's time to get rid of them. Think positive, with positive words! The simple fact of repeating phrases such as: “I can”, “I can”, “I want to”, “I have courage”, create in our subconscious a feeling of power. This feeling makes us have more energy and confidence to move forward with our life and goals.

May it have light!

Attract positive energy
Agustin Fernandez/Unsplash

Even without realizing it, the brightness of the day, the sunlight has quite an effect on our souls. It is important to expose yourself, even if indirectly, to that light. Natural and literal source of energy, it brings strength to the body and mind. Make your home environments also lit. Leave the windows open and take advantage of the light hours to energize the environment as well.


Attract positive energy
Emily Park/Usnplash

Air purifiers, they are also energy renewers. Even if the layout of the space is small, the presence of plants is essential. They are very influential in the flow of energies and important for life in a biological and psychological sense.

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"Who sings scares away his woes"

Attract positive energy
rawpixel/ 123RF

This very valid and self-explanatory proverb dictates an important task that we often forget to do. Humming around, it can be the wrong lyrics or just whistles, generates a feeling of momentary pleasure, like relaxation and can help eliminate bad thoughts by the distraction and harmony it generates.

  • Written by Julia Zayas of Team Me Without Borders.
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