Self-love can be the remedy for your anemia, you know?

Anemia is a condition in the blood where the amount of hemoglobin (the protein responsible for transplanting oxygen) is below normal. This abnormality is a consequence of the lack of one or more nutrients essential to our body.

The lack of iron in the blood is one of the most common causes of anemia, the so-called Iron Deficiency Anemia. About 90% of confirmed cases are caused by iron deficiency.

In her book, Cristina Cairo states that people who underestimate their own ability tend to suffer more from anemia. Self-appreciation can be a good remedy for this evil. Follow:

Anemia according to Cristina Cairo:

There is a catch for everything in life: there are people who cannot enjoy the good moments of their existence because they live in fear; there are those who end up without joy in their hearts because they don't feel pleasure in anything else; there are still those who feel underestimated by others, and still others who believe that there are certain limits in life and lose the will to love themselves.

Self-love can be the remedy for your anemia, you know?
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Now! Where did you get these ideas from?

If, in your upbringing, you were never valued or encouraged or praised, then give other people chances to notice your qualities, since you yourself think you don't notice them and need recognition from others. Inwardly, you know you have it, but you need to hear it from someone.

Vital energy flows freely in our body when our feelings and emotions are unblocked. Let life flow within you and look for pleasant people and events that can increase your spirits because your health depends, solely and exclusively, on your way of thinking. The chemical agents commanded by the brain will do exactly what we think most.

If we are people full of sentimentality and we always maintain the victim posture, the brain will order that our blood stream depends on external agents so that it can continue its journey through the body. Realize that this situation can be exactly similar to the behavior you are having towards certain people and life. You don't want to admit it, but you always need to be recognized, admired, encouraged and even intend to be the center of attention (even within your modesty). Recognizing and assuming your own values โ€‹โ€‹is really very difficult because our ego โ€œfeedsโ€ on external influences. But know that we don't need anything that comes from outside. This is an illusion! The moment you feel secure for what you are, everything will start to turn your way.

First, take care of that appearance, because it's impossible to be optimistic with that wake face!

Self-love can be the remedy for your anemia, you know?
cottonbro / Pexels

Love yourself and free yourself from dependence on the love of others. Follow your path, with courage and good humor. That way people will come to love you and you will certainly have a lot to offer. Nobody likes people who live complaining about life and full of diseases. In fact, everyone seeks to be by the side of those who believe in the best and have the will and energy to like themselves... and others. This attitude of yours as a "weak by nature" will only make others feel sorry for you and pity is not love, it's anger in disguise!

Want to take vitamins? Take them! But believe me, this is of no use to you if you are unable to change your sense of humor and this self-pity that, in fact, is nothing more than self-punishment for the difficulty of assuming the strength that exists in your mind. Feel happy with the naive antics of a child and even simple facts that occur to you daily, because from there the true happiness you need will spring. Know that the joyful smile has amazing healing power. Laughter therapy has been applied in many hospitals in the USA, in various types of patients and curing diseases of all kinds, especially cancer, which is a psychosomatic problem of lack of joy. In Spain, recently, a group of clowns has emerged that visits children's hospitals in order to make terminally ill children laugh. The results have been the most encouraging.

Come on, get out of this! Stop waiting for things to happen. You are the boss in your life and no one will be able to solve your problems indefinitely. Wake up! Condition yourself to the fact that with strength and courage nothing can harm you, nor make you suffer, unless you allow it. Did you understand? You know how to get out of this because, better than anyone, you know your personal and professional life. So just think hard and go out into life looking for friends and good relationships. Definitely stop feeling responsible for everything and start doing what you like, without mercy for criticism. In fact, face criticism as a magic formula for you to improve more every day, without canceling yourself for anything or anyone, because if someone tries to command us, it's because they realize that the "prey" is easy.

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Understand: I'm just telling you that when we show insecurity, people who have authority over us try to lead us their way, because they understand that we are incapable of healthy solving our problems. Answer honestly: is this what you want for your life?

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