relaxation exercises

How about booking a space in your day for some relaxation exercises?

Did you know that relaxing the body and mind improves heart health and reduces the risk of depression, for example?

Cristina Cairo in her book states all the benefits present in relaxation exercises and teaches how you can do it inside your own home. Check out.

Relaxation exercises according to Cristina Cairo

Read carefully and try to memorize the sequence of instructions because you must practice the exercises with your eyes closed.

Then choose the exercise as per your convenience.

Find a comfortable place in your home.

Make sure you are not interrupted for at least thirty minutes.

Turn off the television, the radio, do not answer the doorbell or the telephone. Leave it off the hook if possible.

Keep the environment dark.

Dress in light clothing, go barefoot, get rid of any adornments such as bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, hair clips, glasses, dental braces (if mobile), nylons or socks, watch.

Wash your hands and face.

If you prefer, light an incense with the aroma that pleases you.

Put a CD in your stereo with soft, harmonious music, with sounds of nature or new age, at a pleasant volume suitable for relaxing.

Drink three sips of water, symbolizing peace, life and forgiveness.

relaxation exercises
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels / Canva

After site and body preparation, lie down comfortably with your abdomen up, arms and legs extended, palms facing up.

Keep a blanket over your feet, or over your entire body, so as not to strain your muscles due to a drop in temperature during relaxation.

Keep your legs slightly apart to relax your hip joint and start your journey in this sequence:

  • Release the neck and back of the neck, then relax the shoulders, now the arms, release the fingers.
  • Move to your back and feel it slowly relaxing. Then mentalize the chest and abdomen and relax them deeply.
  • Now the hips, the buttocks, drop the legs, now the feet.

Focus on the face:

  • Release the forehead, relax between the eyebrows, release the jaw, tongue, chin, lips.
  • Realize your face completely relaxed, without marks and without expressions.
  • Let go of the scalp, let go of thoughts, let go of the heart.
  • Keep your body totally relaxed and pay attention to your breathing…
  • Inhale deeply, holding your breath, distending your shoulders.
  • Transfer the retained air to the lower abdomen, puffing out the belly.
  • Now return the air to your upper chest and slowly release it through your mouth.
  • This movement of inhalation, transfer and exhalation should be done for approximately fifteen seconds.
  • Do this breathing exercise three times and then relax, breathing normally again, with loose muscles.
  • Get comfortable in your own body and stay relaxed.
  • Hold no thought or emotion. Just let them pass freely and go away, allowing new thoughts to come in and then go away.
  • With each new emotion or thought that comes in, put in a pinch of love and forgiveness and let go. Let go of everything and everyone right now.

Proceed to gently direct your mind to thoughts that are joyful and noble, like nature itself, and let them pass.

Free yourself.

relaxation exercises
EllenaZ / Getty Images Pro

Now you are totally relaxed, there are no worries whatsoever.

Let yourself go.

  • Let go of the rush, let go of fears and sadness, just let them pass you by.
  • Let the vital energy work within you, flowing from head to toe in the form of light, in the form of peace. Breathe deeply and relax.
  • Your energies are being refreshed and healing your body and spirit.
  • Let people go and forgive them forever. let go.
  • Listen, now, to your new heart, beating, relieved and happy!
  • Slowly wiggle your fingers and toes, open your eyes and gently come back to the objective world.
  • Breathe and don't be in a hurry to get up.

Attention: always get up slowly and sideways, so as not to overload the spine and not accelerate blood circulation. Gradually return to your normal rhythm.

Do this relaxation exercise when you feel up to it and don't worry if you don't get it on the first few attempts, which can be considered normal due to the tensions rooted in your subconscious.

Persist and soon you will get into the habit and need to relax.

Relaxation in the workplace

Also try to memorize this exercise so that you can practice it with your eyes closed.

Select an appropriate place in your work environment and recommend it to people nearby so that they do not interrupt you in your relaxation.

Take off your shoes, socks (if they are nylon), loosen your belt, loosen your tie and clothes, remove your bracelet, watch, and anything else that might bother you.

Sit in a chair with a back, keep your feet parallel and with the soles on the floor, but slightly apart, place your palms on your thighs and relax your arms.

relaxation exercises
golubovy / Getty Images / Canva

Try to keep your back straight, but without tension.

  • Now close your eyes.
  • Start by releasing your feet, legs, knees, thighs.
  • Release your arms, shoulders, back, neck.
  • Relax your face muscles.
  • Release the forehead, the jaw.
  • Relax between the eyebrows.
  • Feel the whole body relaxed.
  • Pay attention to your breath.
  • Inhale deeply and slowly.
  • Hold the air for five seconds with your shoulders loose.
  • Now, slowly release the air through your nose.
  • Repeat this breath three times.
  • Inhale again through your nose in ten seconds with your face and body completely relaxed.
  • Exhale through your nose in ten seconds.
  • Repeat this exercise three to five times during this relaxation.

If you can't breathe in ten seconds and breathe out in ten seconds, don't give up. Try again on other days until your lungs and diaphragm become flexible, improving your cardiopulmonary fitness.

From the first inhalation, imagine a white light entering your body simultaneously with the air.

As you breathe out, imagine your body and soul expelling all the tiredness, all the sadness, all the pain, resentment and anger, wrapped in a white cloud that, little by little, moves away from you, disappearing into the air. Now go back to breathing normally and smoothly.

Let go of thoughts, let go of the heart, but let it throb freely, unfettered by any emotion. Let go and let go of all the people trapped by your ego and your heart. Let go for a few moments and give yourself the opportunity to know the true wisdom of your being.

Invoke love and compassion in your chest and forgive all beings on this planet. Get emotional with joy and let a slight smile appear, transforming your physiognomy with your new astral.

Relax, totally relax.  

Go back, slowly, to the objective world.

When you feel ready, open your eyes, slowly, trying to slowly move your feet, hands, arms and legs, and, without ceremony, take a nice stretch, ok?

Gradually get back to your normal rhythm, stay with God in your heart and have a great day!

These two relaxation exercises are simple and can be practiced by anyone, without restrictions, because the objective of this method is to make you perceive your body and your emotions, get to know yourself better, and understand that most misfortunes, sadness and Illnesses stem from inflexible and tense behavior.

Therefore, after relaxing through the exercise you have chosen, go back to your important decisions, whether related to business, love, family, or even personally, and feel the transformation that has taken place in your thoughts and feelings.

Surely, from then on, you will be much more sensible in your judgments and you will realize an infinite patience in yourself that you never imagined you had one day. It is the miracle of physiological reorganization that occurs after relaxation, as vital energy, blocked by muscular tensions and maladjusted emotions, begins to work freely through the meridians, chakras, bloodstream and throughout the body.

relaxation exercises
kerkez / Getty Images / Canva

So, the more we breathe correctly, the more we will collaborate with our vital energy to renew our mood and, consequently, our health.

To readers who find it difficult to relax with these basic exercises, I advise a meditation on the following topics: stubbornness, pride, fears and attachment, factors responsible for human restlessness and lack of peace of mind.

When you admit these items into your behavior, without stubbornness, without pride, without fear and without attachment to your (false) self-image, and expel them from your life, then you will be able to feel free and relax confident.

Let go and live better, because your happiness is waiting for you to free yourself from these childish behaviors to be able to flow freely in your life.

  • Understand why it is so important to take time to relax
  • Discover 4 simple ways to fight stress
  • Assess how stress can affect your brain
  • Actions to overcome the past
  • 3 steps to relax anywhere

Stop blaming others for your sadness and realize that you are a being endowed with wisdom and that you must learn to use it to always make the right decisions.

Relax and listen to your heart's voice and not the victim's voice that inhabits the hearts of the weak and the accommodated.

Win, honor yourself and be a greater being every day!

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