Recipes with basil

Alfavaca may be a somewhat unknown name, but believe me, you have certainly consumed this plant at some point in your life. From the Lamiaceae family, basil is a “cousin” of basil and is often known as sweet basil. Also known as a specific type of herb, it is native to regions of Asia, Africa, South and Central America and has been used since antiquity by Indians to cure various diseases.

Because it is extremely aromatic, basil is widely used in cooking, both in seasonings, sauces and in teas — its leaves can be consumed dehydrated or fresh. In addition to having a flavor that pleases many palates in dishes, basil is also widely consumed and many herbal remedies are made from it - in these cases, not only the leaves are used, but also the flowers and stem of the plant - for possess numerous medicinal properties.

In addition to being a food ingredient, basil is also considered a medicinal plant. Understand more below.

Recipes with basil
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Alfalfa and its medicinal properties

The SUS (Unified Health System) has a list of medicinal plants that can help and act against diseases or symptoms, and basil is part of it. This very special plant produces an acid called rosmaniric that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, and is also rich in various digestive, astringent, healing properties, among many others.

Basil tea, for example, is widely used in the treatment of flu, colds, to relieve gases, aid digestion, increase the body's immunity, reduce stress and can also be part of the treatment against depression or anxiety. It is worth mentioning that the fresh leaves of this plant have antibacterial and healing action, that is, it is possible to treat injuries and wounds with it.

There are many ways to use basil, but the most effective way to bring out all its properties is to prepare it as a tea.

Recipes with basil
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What is the difference between basil and basil?

As mentioned earlier, basil and basil are part of the same plant family, Lamiaceae — that is, basil is a type of basil, but it is the most common type in Spain. The basil is a plant with medium leaves, acuminate and "punctured". It has a flavor similar to cloves with citrus tones and its leaves look a lot like mint leaves.

Basil — known as true basil, basil or just basil — is a plant used as a condiment and also has medicinal purposes. It is an extremely aromatic plant, used as a seasoning, ingredient or in recipes for teas, oils and the like in order to relieve pain or improve the body. Basil, on the other hand, has a less bitter aroma, but more intense than true basil – but in general, the two types mentioned have basically the same aroma and are used for the same purposes.

We mention here that basil tea is the most common way to enjoy the plant's nutrients, but learn to use it as a seasoning too!

Recipes with basil
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How to use basil as a seasoning?

You must know countless recipes in which true basil is used, which has a peculiar flavor and leaves a certain bitterness in the mouth — in pasta and pizza, for example. Basil, on the other hand, is indicated for the preparation of roasted, grilled and stewed meats. You can also use it as a seasoning for roasted or sautéed vegetables.

In cooking, dried or fresh leaves are used. If you can't find basil on the market, you can plant it yourself in your backyard and dehydrate it in your own home. Usually, the dehydration process is done in specific ovens, but you can put the leaves of the plant in a container that can withstand heat, and place it on top of an oven in use for approximately an hour. With the little heat the leaves will receive from the bottom up, they will lose moisture and become dry.

Now that you know a little more about this plant, check out a recipe for basil tea, basil lemonade, and a recipe for meat seasoning.

Recipes with basil
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basil tea

Basil tea relieves stomach pain, prevents colds and flu, helps treat the kidneys, fights nausea, vomiting and intestinal cramps.


– 10 basil leaves (dried or fresh);
– 350ml of water.


Put the water to boil in a kettle. When the water reaches a boil, turn off the heat and add the basil leaves. Let it infuse for 10 minutes, strain and drink the tea still warm.

Recipes with basil
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basil lemonade

In addition to being extremely refreshing, this lemonade recipe is extremely beneficial to health. The union of the properties of basil with the properties of lemon is practically a super juice that will increase your immunity!


– 01 cup of fresh Tahiti lemon juice;
– 1/3 cup of sugar;
– 10 fresh basil leaves;
– 01 and 1/2 cup of water tea.


In a blender, add all the ingredients and blend for 3 minutes, until the basil leaves are completely crushed. Then strain the juice and drink it cold or at the temperature you prefer.

Recipes with basil
Image of RitaE by Pixabay

Meat seasoning

To flavor your meat with a ready-made seasoning, you can make this super easy recipe and store it in the fridge. Avoid industrialized seasonings!


– 20 fresh basil leaves;
– 01 sprig of rosemary;
– 100 ml of olive oil;
– 01 teaspoon of black pepper;
– Salt to taste.

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In a container, macerate the basil leaves and the rosemary sprig to extract the aromas. Add the olive oil, black pepper, salt and mix. Place this mixture in a glass jar. If you prefer, double the recipe to make more.

When preparing your meat, just season it with this recipe and enjoy the flavors of basil!

Now that you already know the benefits of basil, basil tea and also learned how to make recipes with this plant so beneficial to health, share this article with your friends and encourage them to consume this herb so beneficial to the body!

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