How do smart people deal with people they don't like?

Think for a moment about all the people you know. Chances are you can't remember each one quickly, but some pop right into your mind.

Your family members, your close friends, the person you love and the people you work with, for example, are always around, so you remember them when you think about who you know.

On the other hand, what if at the beginning of the article we asked you to think about the people you don't like? Some significant changes would happen in the list you imagined and, probably, those who don't always live with you can appear, in this case.

No one is obligated to like everyone, and often we may not like co-workers or family members. This, however, is not a green light for you to mistreat these individuals. Next, find out how smart people deal with people they don't like!

1) Avoid conflicts

When we don't like someone, anything that person says is already a reason to stress us out. We then feel a need to create conflict, but an intelligent person knows that this type of discussion is not productive and that it is therefore best to avoid it. Take your time to do something you enjoy instead of using it to fight with someone you don't like.

2) Keep distance on social media

How do smart people deal with people they don't like?
Tobi / Pexels

Following someone on social media is very pleasant when we like that person. In other cases, this same attitude can cause us to develop even more dislike for someone we don't like very much. If you are smart, you will mute this person on social media or unfollow this individual. That way, you won't experience stress when using your accounts.

3) Don't gossip

How many times have you started a conversation with another person just to badmouth someone you don't like? Every time we say negative words about an individual, we are wasting our precious time in an unproductive and pleasurable activity. A smart person doesn't gossip, because he knows it's much better to have a conversation about positive and happy things!

4) They try to communicate

The best way for people who don't like each other or who have an unresolved problem is dialogue. Someone who is intelligent knows that the proper way to resolve a conflict is through conversation and that this can greatly improve the relationship between two people. Try to communicate with those you don't like to understand the root of this disagreement and resolve it!

5) Act politely

As difficult as it may seem, we must treat all people politely, even those we don't like. This is not only smart, but an essential rule that serves a lifetime. When we treat someone well, that person is likely to treat us well too, even if it's just out of politeness. So say hello to the person you don't like and treat them well. Remember, though, that it's best to save the conversations, so you don't get stressed.

6) Put yourself in the other's shoes

Stop and think about how you would feel to know that someone you've never talked to (or at least someone you've never done anything bad to) is spreading negative things about you, defaming you, or else creating lies about you to others, simply because you don't like them! At the very least, you would feel wronged, wouldn't you? Realize, then, that we should not act towards others in ways we would not want them to act towards us. This is something that smart people always keep in mind.

7) Accept and live with it

Generally, when we don't like someone, we feel a burning discomfort about everything that refers us to that person. It is common for us not to conform with how much this someone stresses us or with how much we disagree with the things that this individual does and says. The intelligent, however, simply understand that just as we are not perfect and cannot please everyone, we are not obligated to like everyone either; and that's okay with that, it's perfectly natural! So, accepting that you don't like someone and learning to live with that dislike within yourself is quite a relief, as well as being an admirable sign of maturity.

What to do when you don't like someone who likes you and vice versa?

An uncomfortable and embarrassing situation is liking a person who doesn't like us or not liking someone who appreciates who we are. Sometimes, we don't know how to explain where this negative feeling comes from, because it just exists. Again, this is not a sign that you or the other person has a problem, as it is just an incompatibility.

If you don't like someone who likes you, have respect for that person's feelings. Show that you don't identify with her and that you still don't want to hurt her. If you believe your opinion may change over time, say so too. Make sure she understands that there is no problem with who she is so she doesn't feel bad.

How do smart people deal with people they don't like?
Ariel Paredes / Pexels

If the situation is the opposite of what was presented, that is, if you like someone who doesn't like you, talk to that person. Does she really not like you? Get this right and only then take action. If your suspicion is confirmed, respect her space and walk away if there is no possibility that she will start to like you. As bad as this exit may seem, it is the best exit so that you do not delude yourself and make the other person feel good.

How to work with a person you don't like?

If we don't choose our family members, imagine our co-workers! It's great when we like everyone we work with, but that's not always the reality for most people. If there's someone you don't like in your work environment, here's what to do.

Separating work from personal life is hard when we work with people we love, but it's easy when we work with someone we don't like. When interacting with this person, keep matters restricted to work. Act professionally and avoid unnecessary arguments.

If the person who doesn't like you at work is doing something to provoke you, stay calm. Think that repaying this kind of attitude will not do anyone any good and that it can still harm your service. Try to ignore what she is doing or contact someone who is superior to you.

What to do when we don't like people in our family?

It is possible to dislike people in our family for a number of reasons. Positionings, attitudes, ways of seeing the world and distinct personalities are some of the reasons for this. While this is totally acceptable, it can be difficult to explain to the rest of the family that we don't like someone.

It is very common that we do not like someone in our family who is very dear to other family members. So, when telling us that we want distance from this person, the complaint can sound strange. When explaining that you don't like someone, try to give reasons for this and explain that your point of view will not change, as it is a personal matter.

Regardless of how your family receives this information, don't try to create a false relationship based solely on what other people want for you. Respect this relative you don't like, but avoid interacting with this person for a long time. In this way, the risk of you ending up in a conflict will be greatly reduced.

How to make the environment more pleasant even if it is full of people we don't like?

Being in an environment with lots of people we don't like can make us feel insecure, threatened, attacked, or hated. After all, when we don't like someone, there's a high chance that person won't like us either. It's understandable even if you avoid being in such environments, but it's not always possible to do that.

A tip for this type of situation is to keep at least one person by your side that you like, enough so that you don't feel alone. Talk to her at all times, but out of politeness, say hello to anyone you don't like. Also, wear clothes that make you feel good, be at peace with yourself and be sure that your well-being does not depend on these other people.

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If you don't have a pleasant company for this hostile environment, your best alternative is to stay in this place only for the necessary time, without prolonging. Find a corner where you can stay and use your cell phone or try tasty food. Maybe people think you're a little antisocial, but it's better than starting a conflict with one of them, isn't it?

Dealing with people we don't like is a challenge, but living in society can provide us with situations that demand it. The best way to do this is to act politely, patiently and calmly, after all, it's okay to dislike someone. However, nothing justifies mistreating someone or being disrespectful.

What do you gain by treating even those you don't like well?

Always be convinced that doing good and being kind even to our worst enemies is an act of extreme nobility! Treating people around us well, no matter how inconvenient they are, will always be positive for us, both from a spiritual point of view and from the point of view of our own personal evolution, learning to deal with people we don't like is beneficial and it only brings good results.

No matter who it is, what it does or how much that someone bothers us and even if it tries to bring us down, we must always and above all stand firm to our principles and values. Let them treat you bad, but don't treat them bad back! That's having strength and maturity.

In addition, all the people who come and participate in our lives come with a purpose and are here to teach us something, so if we have the emotional intelligence to deal with them without conflicts or problems, we can learn a lot from these relationships.

Dealing with unpleasant people is a challenge, but living in society provides us with several situations that require this effort. The best way to do this is to always act politely, patiently and calmly, after all, it's okay to dislike someone, but nothing justifies mistreating them or being disrespectful.

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