Protein for Vegans: The Power of Rice

The consumption of food supplements is growing and increasingly common. But what are supplements and what are they for? Dedicated mainly to those who practice intense physical activity, food supplements are a complementary source of nutrients for the body that has been subjected to excessive energy expenditure.

The most common supplement among practitioners of physical activity is Whey Protein, a product consumed in the form of a "shake", usually in the post-workout period, with the function of providing high levels of protein for the recovery of muscle worn out during exercise.

Originally extracted from whey, this protein is sold in powder form in several versions and flavors. However, it is a nutrient of animal origin, being refused by people who opt for a vegan lifestyle (one that does not consume any product, whether food or not, that includes animals in its testing process or that comes from them).

What option?

There is an alternative to the consumption of protein supplement in the case of vegans, or even celiacs (people with gluten tolerance - present in milk and its whey) and lactose tolerant. The option is in rice protein.

Protein for Vegans: The Power of Rice

Few know that the protein extracted from rice is as efficient as the Whey Protein in milk. The amount of amino acids, mainly leucine, present in rice, is a rich source of protein with similar effects to the amino acids in milk. Another advantage is how much price. Easy-to-extract protein has a reduced price on the market.

Vegans should supplement their diet with other sources of protein. Good alternatives are dark greens like broccoli, spinach and kale; nuts such as pistachios and cashews; grains such as lentils and chickpeas; as well as cereals such as oats and quinoa.

Sports nutritionists and physical trainers recommend, for those who don't have any restrictions, supplements that mix some protein sources. That is, with each dose consumed, different amino acids are ingested that make up the protein molecules and your body exerts different and complementary absorptions.

It is worth testing some brands and types of supplement in order to see the results in your own body. Nutritional guidance is essential so that the right amounts and sources of protein can be adapted in order to achieve the desired result.

  • Written by Julia Zayas of Team Me Without Borders.
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