merely illustrative happiness

A big mistake of the human being is to compare his life with the history of others. Just look at the following sentence: “Do it! Because with so-and-so it worked”. And we forget that we are different and that the results will come out different most of the time, no matter how similar the actions are performed. Hence, the sordid envy of the neighbor's greener grass or, rather, of the selfies he took and posted on social networks and that the "serumaninho" viewed, liked or not and then threw some indirect or, in response, posted photos that he still considered better… Which can cause unnecessary annoyance and even a detachment, because often that colleague had no idea that his momentary happiness bothered you.

Yes! Happiness is made of moments and sometimes what is exposed on social media is not always what it is. Beware of merely illustrative happiness and also respect that guy's journey. In fact, we have no idea of ​​the real obstacles he has gone through or is going through. Sometimes, we see pictures of the guy in a “mega” hotel in the Caribbean, however, we do not closely follow the daily struggle that comes down to giving up many perks, such as a weekend with friends in a bar, a movie with the person loved one, dinners at restaurants with the family, etc. Maybe he went on a bike and took a lunch box to work, anyway, he saved up for such a trip. Or, suddenly, he's still going to pay for the tour package he's paid in installments on his credit card just to make that dream come true. It is worth emphasizing that it is his dream and not his! But if it is, nothing prevents you from doing the same: battle!

No matter how spectacular your ideals, people always talk…

The point is that a person who doesn't show concern for the feelings of others will be labeled insensitive, rude or even psychopathic, but that's where the problem lies: we confuse respect for others with absorbing opinions when we don't always ask for them. We attach great importance to third-party guesses and end up living unhappy as a result. At the end of the day, we put our ideals aside to please the majority, we get hurt and we often feel misunderstood. Have a “filter”. Advice doesn't always help and often it's not everyone who wants our good. Some even want to, but remember: what is good for you may not be beneficial for you. Life is one, don't be her supporting role but the protagonist!

The Dark Side of the Feminine World

merely illustrative happiness

As I'm a woman, I'll give you some examples about the dark side of the female world. Luluzinha's club knows many things, but doesn't always admit it, because it's very easy to criticize Bolinha's club for being sexist, naughty and so on. the guy doesn't show resentment if he's not invited to a party, he becomes an accomplice, a cover-up for the other's nights out. He is capable of lying with the cleanest face to save a friend's skin and defends even the other unknown man in the face of a female complaint... Yes, men have a kind of brotherhood that we unfortunately lack.

We women are often tyrants with our friendships without even taking into account that the friend we call a “balladeira” and who has no stable relationship is like that not because she is a poor thing who has no luck in love or because it is too easy. and no one takes her seriously... Has it ever crossed your mind that she is independent enough and maybe she has gotten used to living well on her own and/or has suddenly even suffered enough to learn that she doesn't need to depend on anyone to feel happy?

Maybe there's even been someone nice in your friend's life, someone she's still dating or getting to know, but not enough to want to take the second step of making a more serious commitment and introducing herself to everyone. Even so, she agreed to organize her bachelorette party, go to her bridal shower and tolerate her married friends hearing the following phrases: “Ah! Careful, are you already 27? Get someone soon or you'll stay with auntie” or what's worse: “Look, I'm going to ask my husband to introduce you to his friend's brother-in-law's cousin who is a vegetarian just like you. It saw? They already have something in common.” Then, her single friend, somewhat embarrassed, kindly thanks her and ventures to say that: “It has nothing to do with it. You don't have to, folks” and again you intervene wanting to help and add: “Don't worry, opposites attract”. A tip: introduce her to someone only when asked. It's not nice to meddle in anyone's sentimental life, including your best friend.

inconvenient motherhood

Something I've already noticed is that my mommy friends always complain a lot about certain women giving tips on the education of their offspring: “What do you mean Juquinha doesn't talk? At the age of two, my daughter was already talking and walking and even doing a banana tree! If I were you, I would take him to an urgent pediatrician!”, “My seven-year-old son already speaks two languages ​​fluently; If I were in his place, I would also enroll your boy in a bilingual school instead of paying for a religious school that won't teach you anything”.

merely illustrative happiness

In short, you may be the best mother in the world, but don't compare raising your child to raising anyone else's offspring, because that's not fancy. And, if you're not yet in the maternity phase, avoid comments, don't be inconvenient, keep them to yourself. First-time moms thank you.

People always say that if a woman doesn't get married before she's 30, she's the poor guy. If she marries at 18, she is too young; if she has kids in her teens, she's dumb, and if she decides to have kids after thirty-five, she's old; if she decides not to have children, she is selfish or incapable — remembering that the last question of sterility can be the man, but often the blame falls on the woman and it is she who has to deal with it if she chooses to give up motherhood, because the hypocritical society in which we live will always charge her and not her husband. If you decide to adopt a child, be prepared to hear compliments as well as comments like, “What a noble move, but why not try a biological one?”

If you are a single mother, you will always be that unloved one who couldn't even hold the father of your child, let alone a beautiful, single man devoid of any responsibility! For people, their family future is over. If you have a daughter, then give up putting men in the house, because, in the minds of some old people, every man is a pedophile… Sad!

If she is divorced and has children, she is a free-kid only because she asks her father for a miserable pension every month, who is absent, in some cases. Even though it's 15â„… or whatever she gets, the guy's friends and relatives will say she spends that little money on a Dior perfume. In fact, that money the guy gives as a small favor doesn't even cover half of the basic needs of the kids he's forgotten about.

Well, what about the physical aspect? If you get fat, they call you pregnant in the face of cock; if you lost weight, people ask you if you are sick. If you think you have female friends (I mean the wives of your husband's friends), try being a widow or separating from him to see if the house is full again.

If the couple has already had their silver wedding anniversary, people will wonder, “Why haven’t they divorced yet?” If you are widowed or recently separated, people already want to find you a boyfriend, because they are not satisfied with seeing you alone, no matter how well you seem to be doing.

Ufa! Be happy and mind your own business, because people always talk…

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