Pitaya and its benefits

    Ever heard of the “dragon fruit tree”? And if we talk about pitaya? The English name is due to the resemblance to the dragon. The fruit is born from cactus – epiphytic cacti and there are three types: pink skin and white pulp, yellow skin and white pulp and pink skin and red pulp. Popular in Mexico, the Spanish harvest starts in December. meet the benefits of pitaya and put this exotic fruit in your diet.

    Pitaya strengthens the immune system

    It is very rich in vitamin C. This nutrient also prevents eye problems, strengthens bones and, being a powerful antioxidant, reduces the risk of cancer.

    Facilitates digestion

    source of fiber, the “dragon fruit” improves intestinal health, so it prevents constipation and colorectal cancer. The seeds act as a laxative.

    Prevents cardiovascular diseases

    Its seeds have omega 3 and 6, which reduces the risk of having high blood pressure, reduces bad cholesterol, improves good cholesterol and regulates blood sugar levels.

    Pitaya and its benefits

    It's thermogenic

    This speeds up metabolism, fats are burned much faster and you lose weight. The hormone glucagon makes you feel full and the amino acid tyramine reduces the desire to eat sweets. Excellent choice for snacks.

    Leaves skin healthy

    Antioxidants slow down aging. The fruit also stimulates collagen production. Many facial product manufacturers have incorporated the fruit into their formulas. But you can do pitaya face masks. Here's how to make an anti-aging mask:

    • Mix half a seedless pitaya with a tablespoon of honey;
    • Apply on face and wait 20 minutes;
    • Remove with warm water and moisturize as usual.

    Use once a week.

    How to choose and store pitaya?

    Whatever the color, it must be very vivid. The bark must not be injured. Closed, the fruit lasts approximately two weeks, after opening it is for immediate consumption or the next day. Store the pulp in the freezer.

    How to consume?

    In natura, in juices, add it in green juice, blended with yogurt and in salads. Check out a juice recipe:

    • 3 cups of pitaya with seed;
    • 2 cups of coconut water;
    • 1 slice of ginger;
    • ½ cup of kale;
    • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed.

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    Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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