Shamanic Experience: The Awakening of a New Consciousness

    Known as Ayahuasca, or Santo Daime, the entheogen drink is a tool for awakening consciousness. The Sacred Medicine is a potion made with the Jagube vine and the Leaf of the Rainha bush, both located in the Amazon, and its preparation takes hours of boiling the sacred roots.

    Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual, medical and philosophical practices of humanity. The term refers to healing techniques, self-knowledge, the awakening of the Self, the inner encounter with personal power, magic, trance, transmutation and the expansion of consciousness. This practice became popular among white men, became a Cultural Heritage of Spain and today is the subject of several researches.

    Research carried out at USP in Ribeirão Preto treated some patients in a depressive state with drinking and had a big surprise: the visible improvement and a new mood of patients to live life. Researcher and coordinator Jaime Eduardo Cecílio Hallak says that an ayahuasca potion contains dimethyltryptamine and harmine, which stimulate the production of serotonin neurotransmitters, known as antidepressants or feel-good hormones.

    Shamanic Experience: The Awakening of a New Consciousness
    valmedia1 / 123rf

    The healing stories are endless, as are changes in behavior, beliefs, paradigms and intimate reform. Whoever consecrates Sacred Medicine reports a real change, internal cleansing, expansion of consciousness and a new perspective on life.

    A shamanic experience is far beyond what research can point out or what religions want to determine, after all, the Mystic Tea takes you to a reconnection with the Divine Interior, and the experience is totally individual and personal.

    Known as the python of the forest, the power that exists in a dose of Ayahuasca is loving, caring, respectful and will take you to an incredible experience, which in the end you will realize that words will be lacking to describe all the wonders experienced with the Sacred Drink.

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    Release the bonds and mental chains. To forgive. Discover your true essence and live according to your heart. Modify your understanding of life events. Feel your God, Creator, Divine, Source or Universe in everything and everyone. Seek healing from afflictions, phobias and traumas. Awaken self-responsibility. Live lightly, harmoniously and happily. Live with gratitude and more consciously. Does it seem totally far from your reality? But these are some of the changes caused by the important and inexplicable Ayahuasca, and only those who experience it can deeply know its power.

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