Motivations to lose weight

You know you need to be healthy, but feel unmotivated? We have prepared a list of motivations to lose weight that will make the diet something light and fun. Come on?

In supermarkets and housewares stores you can find 1 liter squeeze bottles. Paste colored labels on the bottle with the benefits of water, this way it will be easier to hydrate the body. Remembering that we should ingest 1,5 to 2 liters daily.

It's hard to police yourself so you don't fall into temptation. Telling your intentions to incorporate healthy habits to your boyfriend, friend, co-worker or family member can be a good strategy.

Motivations to lose weight

And leave it in the visible part of the fridge! Take it to work so you don't succumb to fast food traps. Place small portions of vegetables and fruits in small plastic jars.

Paste colored labels on lunchboxes at work, identifying the meal and type. For example: dried fruit, morning snack, 10am, etc. At home, stick colorful labels about healthy eating on the fridge.

In the bedroom, on the dresser or on the sofa… The important thing is to leave clothes and shoes for physical activities visible so you don't run away.

Motivations to lose weight

Write down each adopted habit on a tag and stick it on the fridge. Seeing your victories will give you extra doses of motivation to be healthy.

Make a bet with yourself: set a value to buy something important after a year. Put a note in the piggy bank whenever you incorporate a healthy food and don't feel lazy to work out.

These tips are pretty simple! Do you want others? Just click on this link.

Written by Sumaia Salgado of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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