Crescent moon: everything you need to know about this phase

The crescent moon can even go unnoticed by inattentive eyes. Characterized as a smile in the night sky, or as a slight silver curve, the second phase of Earth's natural satellite is full of mystery.

Next, you will learn about the most different interpretations that this phenomenon can bring and what are the benefits that the crescent moon brings to each person.

Crescent moon for science

Crescent moon: everything you need to know about this phase
Elescordo / Getty Images / Canva

The Moon is the Earth's natural satellite, which performs two distinct rotations: around the Earth and on its own axis. The lunar surface is rocky and does not have a protective atmosphere against the sun's rays. So it would not be possible for human life to develop in it.

The craters that the Moon presents are due to celestial bodies that collide with it. When the collision happens, rocks melt on the lunar surface. The dark spots that this process causes are called mares. As the Moon does not emit its own light, we can only see it thanks to the sun's rays, which reflect on it.

The incidence of the Sun is what forms each of the four phases of the Moon. As the satellite moves around us, the sun's rays illuminate it in different ways. The crescent moon is formed when it is approaching the side on which the Sun is. Before her, the new moon prevailed, without sunlight.

According to biology, this change in the phases of the Moon is responsible for bringing about changes in the tides. This phenomenon is caused by the difference between the gravitational forces that the Moon and the Sun exert on the Earth. During the crescent phase, the Moon's gravitational pull is nearly nullified compared to the Sun's, forming low tides at a slightly higher level than normal.

Crescent moon for spirituality

Crescent moon: everything you need to know about this phase
dennisvdw / Getty Images Pro / Canva

For spirituality, each phase of the Moon is capable of awakening different feelings in all individuals. The crescent moon, in this case, would be responsible for stimulating new beginnings and renewals, being a strong ally for those who want to start projects or for those who need an extra stimulus for everyday life.

It is also believed that the crescent moon can act on every aspect of a person's life in a targeted way. In love, eroticism is encouraged, and it is recommended that you resolve any outstanding issues with the person you are in a relationship with.

In the area of ​​health, physical exercises will bring more energy and more results during this phase. Speaking of beauty, another factor that the crescent moon promotes is hair growth. It is a good time to invest in aesthetic treatments, which aim to renew your appearance.

Crescent moon for menstrual cycle

Crescent moon: everything you need to know about this phase
StGrafix / Getty Images Pro / Canva

According to the knowledge transmitted by the philosophy of the Sacred Feminine, which studies the connections between women and nature, the crescent moon can be understood within the menstrual cycle.

When the crescent moon appears in the sky, it is possible that menstruating women are starting the ovulation period, after the bleeding phase has come to an end. Although the menstrual cycle is not synchronized with the Moon, during the crescent phase a woman may feel more energy to develop activities, having more enthusiasm.

Understanding the connection between the menstrual cycle and the phases of the Moon is evidence that women, like the satellite, are cyclical. It is the ancestral knowledge of the Sacred Feminine that allows women to look at their bodies and at their own menstrual cycle as natural elements.

How to enjoy the crescent moon

Knowing what you can do during the crescent moon according to spirituality, you can still learn some spells that can be performed at this time of the month.

Crescent moon: everything you need to know about this phase
paulbrady / Canva

1) Sympathy to solve pending issues in love

During the crescent moon, you will find it easier to resolve pending issues in love. To do this, take two candles and write on each your name and the name of the person with whom you relate. Place both on a plate and drizzle with honey. Spread rose petals and light seven incense sticks. Sprinkle brown sugar on the plate while repeating, 21 times, the phrase: “I love you, you love me, nothing will get in the way of this love. I am your life, you are my life, let us live, therefore, surrounded by peace, love, happiness and harmony”.

2) Sympathy to control hair loss

The crescent moon is a great time to encourage hair growth. A sympathy to assist in this process must have three strands of your hair buried next to a banana tree. Envision how much you want your hair to grow, like bananas, and leave the place without turning your back on the plant.

3) Willingness to get a job

Taking advantage of the crescent moon for new opportunities and new projects is essential. A spell to get a job should be done like this: on the first day of the crescent moon, write on a white and unlined paper, using a blue pen: “I already got the job I wanted so much”. Place the folded paper under a saucer with raw rice. Keep these materials in storage and bury the paper and rice in a vase as soon as you get the job.

4) Sympathy for prosperity at work

At six o'clock in the afternoon, on a crescent moon night, attach a blue candle to a saucer. As it burns, place a glass of water and a handful of salt next to the saucer. Think about what you need to improve in your work, and then pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary. When the candle stops burning, throw it in the trash, wash the saucer and pour the salt water into the sink.

  • The difference between empathy and sympathy
  • Use the moon phases to your advantage with our tips
  • Study the relationship between the phases of the Moon and the goddess archetypes
  • Choose the best time of the month to mess with your hair
  • Moon Phases: Do They Really Influence?
  • The energy of each moon phase

5) Sympathy to attract good energies

Identify on the calendar when the second day of the crescent moon will be. On the morning of that day, light a match and imagine that all negative thoughts about you are burning along with the toothpick. Extinguish the flame when it reaches halfway through the match. Repeat the process with ten more toothpicks and throw them in the garbage outside your house.

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