communicability of spirits

Much is said about communication between the spiritual and material worlds, that is, between the incarnate and the disincarnate. At the same time that this clarifies many things, it can also generate fear, criticism and controversy, due to the prejudice that involves such communication.

It is important to make it clear that the communicability of spirits is one of the pillars of the spiritist doctrine, but it was not created by it. Communication has always happened and was elucidated by Allan Kardec, who studied mediumistic phenomena, removing the mysticism that involved it.

Mediumship must be exercised according to the teaching: “Give for free what you have received for free” and is a way to improve morally and spiritually by helping others.

communicability of spirits

Check out an excerpt from the lecture given by Ana Tonelli Racy:

“We are going to talk about the communicability of spirits today. I put this first image, it is of some drawings that Américo Sucena did with a person, and he did the drawings of several books, and the 'I went back' it's one of those books.

O 'I went back' is the story of brother Jacob, he worked at the spiritist center and always said that when he passed away, he would tell his story, to leave it as knowledge for everyone. This book tells the whole path he took after his disincarnation until he was able to actually pass on the information and have this book published.

communicability of spirits

So this is one of the examples of this communicability of spirits, that's why I put this image, and it's a tip for those who want to know a little bit of what this moment of disincarnation is, and what happens afterwards, here's a tip for a reading .

To talk about this, we will also understand what are the five pillars of the spiritist doctrine.”

To continue, watch the full video of the talk:

“Communicability of Spirits – Mediumship” – Ana Racy

Text written by Team Me Without Borders

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