Is it worth removing gluten from your diet?

Surely you've noticed the growing supply of gluten-free products around you, as you must have friends or relatives who opt for a gluten-free diet.
Currently, there is an increasing number of people intolerant to gluten, in addition to celiacs.

People with celiac disease have such a high degree of intolerance that the slightest contact with gluten can put their lives at risk, triggering diarrhea, glottic closure, cramps and several other symptoms.

Those who are intolerant may experience anemia, migraine, arthritis, infertility, depression, fatigue and several other discomforts, but they do not need such strict control, and do not need to investigate whether there are traces of gluten in everything they consume.

Is it worth removing gluten from your diet?
Pixabay/Martin Ludlam

Have you ever stopped to wonder why this is happening?

Faced with the growth of gluten intolerance, several studies began to be carried out in search of a factor that would justify these data.

In the book “Wheat Belly”, cardiologist William Davis believes that the development of this intolerance is linked to the genetic change that wheat itself has undergone over the years.

Davis points out several problems that the consumption of gluten can cause, even for those who are not intolerant:

  • Dependence (such as addictive substances)
  • Obesity
  • acnes and pimples
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Lipogenesis
  • Premature aging
  • Diabetes
  • Acidic metabolic result

However, even in the face of the studies presented, it may seem challenging to spontaneously choose to reduce gluten consumption.

Leaving aside the bread, Sunday pizza, as well as mamma's pasta, is something that doesn't cross your mind.

However, going beyond studies, there is an invitation for you to try and prove how it feels to reduce gluten consumption in your daily life, evaluating and realizing how your body behaves, so that you can make a conscious choice, based on your experience. .

I will say that it's been ten years since I chose to leave gluten out of my meals. My level of vitality, immunity and well-being has grown exponentially, but that's my perception.

You may also like
  • Learn more about gluten and its effects
  • Notice the 5 Signs of Gluten Intolerance!
  • Don't feel comfortable and see how to make a gluten-free cake!

Faced with my choice, over the years, I have developed several recipes that bring satisfaction and pleasure.

One of them is almond bread. Write down the recipe, grab the apron, and let's go to the kitchen!

almond bread

Serves: 6 loaves


  • 1 cup of almond flour
  • 1/2 cup of medium oat flakes
  • 3/4 cup of sweet cornflour
  • 1/4 teacup of olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 sachet of yeast for bread
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • Seed mix to taste


  1. In a small bowl, mix the yeast with the sugar.
  2. Add 1/2 cup of warm water and mix. Reserve.
  3. In a large bowl, place the oats, almond flour, sweet sprinkle and salt. Mix.
  4. Add the oil, 1/2 cup of water and the yeast dissolved in water.
  5. Mix, integrating all the ingredients.
  6. Grease 6 food modeling rings, 8 cm in diameter, with olive oil and manioc flour.
  7. Distribute the rings on a greased baking sheet.
  8. Distribute the dough, filling the six rings evenly.
  9. Sprinkle the surface of the buns with the seed mix.
  10. Let stand for 15 minutes.
  11. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 45 minutes.
  12. Remove from the oven and place the buns on a wire rack.
  13. Allow to cool before slicing (bread continues its baking process after it comes out of the oven).
Is it worth removing gluten from your diet?


  • The water to be mixed with the yeast must be lukewarm, with a pleasant temperature to dip your finger in, so that it does not destabilize the yeast.
  • Bread can be stored in an airtight container for up to 5 days in the refrigerator, or two days at room temperature.
  • You can enrich your bread by adding some seeds to the dough.
  • You can choose to bake your bread in a loaf pan instead of the rings.

Bon appetit!

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