10 plants that attract positive energy to your home

Keeping the energies good is always a great idea. Whether at home or at work, we need to have a positive vibe around us to recharge our energies and maintain vitality. One of the forms of ambient energies and consequently also to energize yourself is to have plants close by. We list 10 plants that can help you with this.


Cactus is a good plant to leave at the entrance of the house. It has the power to protect the emotions of people in the environment, as well as serving as a good energetic barrier against negative energies that are outside.


In addition to being a great option for food, mint has a very strong vitality energy. The vibration of this plant is very similar to the spiritual energy that we capture under sunlight.

Saint George's Sword 

The popular Espada de São Jorge is also a plant that they usually place at the entrance of houses. It protects and wards off harmful energies that may try to enter the environment.


10 plants that attract positive energy to your home
Roberto Dziura / 123rf

In addition to being an herb suitable for teas, boldo, as well as mint, has an energetic vibration of vitality. She brings a good spiritual energy to all environments.


Rosemary is an herb that vibrates with joy. If you need to bring good emotions and animation to an environment, it is the right plant to leave there.

succulents in general 

Succulent plants, whatever they are, help protect the emotions of those in the environment. That's why they can be left at the entrance of the house or near the person's resting place.


10 plants that attract positive energy to your home
Gérôme Bruneau / Unsplash

If the sun brings joy, vitality and well-being, the flower that best represents the sun also has the same effect. Having a sunflower (or several) in the house will help bring happiness to everyone.


Widely used for herbal baths, rue is a plant that helps to cleanse negative energy and provide renewed energy to people in the environment. When in doubt about which plant to put at home, always consider having a rue tree close by.


For environments that need creativity, chamomile may be the right plant to leave there. Chamomile's energy stimulates creative thinking, as well as bringing more life to the environment.

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flowers in general 

All flowers bring energies of happiness and animation to the environment. If you feel that the mood is a little "down", spread flowers around the place and see the positive change that will happen in the energies.

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