Hypertension is synonymous with emotional problems! Take care of yourself!

There is a disease that, according to the Spanish Society of Cardiology, will affect 30% of the Spanish population in 2021. You may have even heard about it at some point in your life: hypertension, also known as high blood pressure.

As hypertension can affect people of all ages and all genders, it is essential that you are properly informed about it. With the content we have prepared, delve into the definition, symptoms, treatment and recommendations for high blood pressure. By the end of the article, you will be surprised by another perspective on the disease!

What is hypertension?

Hypertension, popularly called high blood pressure, is a heart disease. It occurs when a person's arteries become narrower, making it difficult for blood to flow from the heart to the body. As a consequence of this, the heart has to work harder to pump the red fluid, dilating its own size and damaging the arteries.

Therefore, a person who had high blood pressure once, in a situation of great physical exertion, is not hypertensive. That's because hypertension is determined when an individual's pressure at rest is equal to or greater than 14 over 9. That is, if even without exerting your pressure is high, you probably need medical help.

It is essential to treat hypertension because this disease is related to other problems that a person may have. Among them are Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) and heart attack. So, if you notice any of the symptoms of this problem in your body, seek help. Next, know what you should pay attention to!

symptoms of hypertension

The symptoms of hypertension vary according to the condition of the person suffering from the disease. However, it is common to experience headaches, dizziness, chest pain, ringing in the ears, weakness, blurred vision and even nosebleeds.

Hypertension is synonymous with emotional problems! Take care of yourself!
Yelizaveta Tomashevska / Getty Images / Canva

Unfortunately, hypertension is a silent disease. Symptoms only appear when the condition is already advanced and presenting many dangers to an individual's health. That's why you should always keep an eye on your blood pressure, even if you don't feel anything. By identifying high blood pressure early on, you can effectively treat it. See how!

treatment for hypertension

Although hypertension has no cure, early identification of the disease can lead to an efficient treatment of the condition. However, only a health professional who knows the history of the patient in question will be able to indicate the best way to deal with high blood pressure.

In milder cases of hypertension, for example, a change in lifestyle is recommended. Practicing more physical exercises, taking care of food and avoiding alcoholic beverages are some ways to do this.

However, in more severe cases of the disease, in addition to incorporating the changes mentioned above, it will be necessary to ingest drugs that control blood pressure. In this way, the ratios will remain closer to 12 by 8.

Recommendations for hypertension

If you've already been diagnosed with hypertension, there are some recommendations you can follow. They are also helpful in preventing high blood pressure, so incorporate those that will improve your health!

1) Moderate salt intake

Foods high in sodium, if consumed regularly, can increase blood pressure. So avoid industrialized options and sausages, which are rich in this mineral. Also, control the amount of salt you add in your food preparations to salt them without overdoing it.

2) Eat fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy

Unlike processed and fatty foods, fruits, whole grains and certain dairy products have the power to lower blood pressure levels. So prefer to consume the options that will help your heart to pump blood instead of hindering this process.

3) Stop smoking

Hypertension is synonymous with emotional problems! Take care of yourself!
Sezeryadigar / Getty Images Signature / Canva

Among the many harms that cigarettes present, one of them is the narrowing of the arteries. In doing so, the drug will prevent your body from working properly, making it harder for blood to pass from your heart to your body. So if you smoke, look for methods to quit this addiction.

4) Control your stress level

Stress is one of the factors that can increase blood pressure. Soon you must find ways to control this feeling. You can exercise, seek psychological help, or develop meditation techniques for challenging situations.

5) Measure your blood pressure regularly

Since hypertension does not always have symptoms, it is essential that you measure your blood pressure regularly, especially when you are resting. From there, you'll get an idea of โ€‹โ€‹how your body is working and can figure out the right time to seek medical help.

6) Follow medical advice

If the healthcare professional you are seeing has prescribed a certain medication, follow that recommendation to the letter. Do not change the dosage on your own or stop taking the medication unattended. Remember that this person understands your health better than you do.

Hypertension for Body Language

According to Cristina Cairo, who developed Body Language, the negative feelings that we cultivate can manifest in the form of physical symptoms. Thus, hypertension can be caused by factors that go beyond biology, such as unresolved feelings.

Hypertension is synonymous with emotional problems! Take care of yourself!
AndreyPopov / Getty Images / Canva

From a Body Language perspective, in this sense, hypertension is caused by emotional problems that a person has repressed rather than resolved. This individual is likely to be quite spiteful, becomes attached to details, and fears failure. In addition, it is likely that this person does not know how to deal with what goes against what he wants.

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Fortunately, there are ways to resolve bad feelings so that hypertension is relieved. You can do this with psychological help, so that it is easier to let go of the bad memories you are accumulating. By doing this, you will be able to look ahead, direct your focus to the present and focus on you.

Considering all the information presented, we observe that hypertension is a disease that needs treatment. Although there are biological factors behind it that should be investigated by health professionals, it is essential that you pay attention to the feelings you have been cultivating so that they do not worsen your condition. Keep an eye on you!

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