Integrative Gynecology: embracing the woman as a whole!

I believe that medicine is finally receiving professionals who prioritize an integrative view of the human being. This is new and is surprising everyone, including me.

The medicine

If we think about the whole movement of medicine and health care, we can see that it was born from the observation of the human being as a whole.

Then, our organism was compartmentalized into organs, and that's how specialized medicine began, which began to look more deeply at the organs separately.

Specialties and sub-specialties were created to better understand how to treat every bit of our physical body. And this was positive insofar as it was possible to know more clearly the functioning of each of these organs in their details.

I believe that this is a natural movement of all study, of all learning about practically all sciences.

In a way, this idea of ​​the integral being has been present for a long time in homeopathy, but it has always been very misunderstood and misunderstood by the majority of the medical community.

Integrative Gynecology: embracing the woman as a whole!
archnoi1/ 123RF

Now, we see a movement that takes up the idea that we are an organism that works interconnected and not a diversity of organs that act in isolation and that are related to all our physical, psychic and also spiritual functions. This is the new medicine, integrative medicine.

It is worth saying that I call spirituality everything that connects us to an essence that we do not yet know clearly, but that is present in our lives through faith and energies that are not yet classified or fully accepted, but that exist and are felt by all of us.

"The essential is invisible to the eyes."

(from the book “The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

What is an integrative gynecological consultation?

Dr. Ana Nogueira is our columnist and is an integrative gynecologist.

And what is that?

She is a professional who has all academic training within medicine, who follows all medical protocols, but is not limited to that.

She expands her vision and performance with work that includes women, both in the physical, emotional and energetic/spiritual spheres.

I had the opportunity to get to know her work because I was very curious to know what the care of a gynecologist who associates medicine with integrative work would be like.

How did the consultation take place?

At the beginning of the treatment, Dr. Ana invited me to choose a tarot card, with the aim of verifying the life panorama in which I find myself, ratifying her own perceptions (which are very accurate) about the vibrations and energies that I carried at that moment.

Integrative Gynecology: embracing the woman as a whole!
Vyacheslav Volkov/123RF

I choose the letter and she reads it bringing information about my energetic situation as a patient at that moment.

This is just the beginning of a great surprise in a consultation, in which all the classic and necessary anamnesis is done, within the standards required by medicine, in which all questions and all normal procedures are followed.

I was able to talk about the main health discomforts, about symptoms, about family health history and all those things we know good doctors need to know.

The doctor's gentle listening to the patient's complaints, that's the anamnesis.

The doctor then continues with her work, now making use of the integrative techniques she has incorporated into her medical practice.

The great differential of this work is the degree of sensitivity, active listening and intuition that Dr. Anna makes it available. A doctor whose sensitivity was born along with the choice of medicine.

He grew up with a doctor father, who was already a practitioner of hermetic studies, and a nurse mother, in addition to bringing family roots from healers. Everyone in the family already brought in their morphogenetic field the baggage of integrative development, of the complete reading of the human being.

Radiesthesia was another technique used by the doctor for the vibrational and energetic analysis of the patient.

Through dowsing, she performs the bioresonance analysis of various foods and ingredients contained in a specific kit, assessing which of them can bring us harm and benefits, and this is crossed with the information she gathered during the anamnesis.

Integrative Gynecology: embracing the woman as a whole!
Silvia Jara

The patient is treated individually, being evaluated according to the energies of each compound, of each food, which can interfere with our physical and energetic balance, attacking or benefiting organs.

Also part of her consultation is the analysis of our subtle energies, evaluating the situation of our chakras, the frequencies of each organ and, through apometry, Dr. Ana checks how our energies are doing and harmonizes them all.

We are “harmonized” in our subtle energies.

The figure of the gynecologist and the psychological aspect of women

If we consider that we women have always had in the figure of the gynecologist a counselor, a general practitioner, a doctor who treats us globally and with whom we share our greatest intimacies, nothing more natural than having a professional who can evaluate us even more widely than we ever imagined.

This is wonderful, because in addition to considering our physical issues, those that lead us to a consultation, we have also observed our metaphysical issues, which we well know have an impact on our balance.

At the end of the consultation, I was still able to receive the hydrolymph treatment, which detoxifies through the foot bath, which is also complemented with the use of another device that complements this detoxification of the body.

I left the appointment with the impression that someone was able to look at me from the inside out, as if I had been passed through a wide, unrestricted scanner.

The end of the query

From all these steps and in possession of a complete diagnosis (physical and energetic), Dr. Ana indicates quantum frequencials, vibrational medicines to meet what we and our organism need.

I believe that we are all looking for something that is complete and that integrates our physique with our energy field, and integrative gynecology seemed like a great way to go.

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And yet, to close the consultation, Dr. asked me to randomly select a message from the angels and which, in my case, ended with a message that ratified the initial reading of the tarot card.

It was truly a unique experience.

Thank you, Ana Nogueira.

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