how to plant watermelon

Rich in vitamins A and C, watermelon is very beneficial for our body. Knowing how to plant watermelon at home, therefore, can be a very pleasant and delicious task. Juices, the fruit itself, jellies and whatever else you want to produce with watermelon can be a great idea. In addition, this fruit is very good to keep the body hydrated, after all it carries 92% water.
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Contrary to what you imagine, it is possible to plant this fruit in houses and apartments. Maybe you don't know, but there are mini watermelons and you can grow them if you live in an apartment. Learn here how to plant watermelon or mini watermelons in your home.

how to plant watermelon

How to plant watermelon at home

Watermelons are summer fruits, that is, they can only be harvested in hot weather, when the temperature reaches 20º to 30º. They need fertile soil and lots of water for them to be produced correctly. Let's understand the essential needs to plant watermelon.


The ideal soil for growing watermelon is one where there is nourishment. The soil can be sandy or clayey, but it is necessary that you include the fertilizer and mix them. Watermelons like water, but don't overdo the amount, leaving the soil soggy, as they may not reproduce well.

In addition, the ideal is to have a space of 30 cm to germinate the seeds. This space needs to be watered with nutrients, so the compost mix is ​​necessary. After all, it is in this small size that the roots will seek the food necessary for the production of the fruit.


The best fertilizer for planting watermelon is wood ash, except charcoal or chopped grass scraps. Also, some organic compounds that can help you are leftover castor beans or earthworm humus.

how to plant watermelon

The space for common watermelons

If you have a backyard and you will let the production follow the natural path, generating watermelons up to 35 kg, separate up to 3 m from your area. When they start to sprout, their leaves will start looking for space so that the fruit can be produced. Production can take up to 120 days.

How to plant minnows

If you live in an apartment and are wondering how to plant watermelon, know that it is possible to have them at home. The ideal is that you respect all the tips given above so that the cultivation is successful. The only point of difference is that you can plant them in pots.

In this case, the fertilizer should be even more fortified, as well as the organic compounds. So that they don't grow too much, you can use the technique of packing the fruits when they start to appear. Take those nets that normally come with fruit from the market and wrap the fruit.

how to plant watermelon

Over time, they will begin to fill networks and will not make efforts to increase their size. So just perform all the necessary care and wait to harvest your mini watermelon. Like larger watermelons, mini watermelons can take up to 120 days to ripen.

Now that you have learned how to plant watermelon in your home, start your planting now. After all, summer is coming!

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