The connection with the universe: intuition as a portal

What is it?

Connection to the universe can be made through intuition or spiritual channels. This is the gateway between reason and human emotion. Some studies claim that intuition is a connection (channel) with the universe. Following this line of reasoning, we realize that it acts as an inner advice spoken by an inner voice, indicating some aspects of our lives: tips, suggestions, paths, luck, spiritual factors and even as a way to save our lives. “It is responsible for raising awareness, which makes people unconsciously seek answers to their needs or the complement to lessons and experiences that still need to be lived for personal and collective evolution.”

How it works?

It is essential, when it comes to the process of connecting with the universe, to talk about the struggle between the external demon and the inner angel. We are in a constant struggle to achieve the victory of the balance of our connection. It is necessary to return to our interiority to strengthen our inner self and be able to use the connection with the universe, whose principle is to awaken its divine force, called Intuition. Some other possibilities for the functioning of the connection would be the Inner Reform and self-knowledge. “When we are with our energia in perfect balance, it means that we get immediate connection with what we really want for our life, is the feeling of absolute completeness.”

The connection with the universe: intuition as a portal

What is?

The connection with the universe it serves to generate attunement with balance, control of your energetic life, health of the human body and establishment of this attunement of the higher “I” with reality. Quoting the book 'History of the body', we have the following text: “People die of hunger under the Ancien Régime and, if the great crises of subsistence tend to attenuate beyond the reign of Louis XIV, the food obsession is still present in everywhere until well before the XNUMXth century.” In other words, we prefer to feed our body with weighty material things than spiritual nourishment and self-knowledge which are also real.

And its effects?

Right now, you can begin to feel healthy, prosperous, and feel the love that surrounds you, even if it's not there. Then the universe will match the nature of your song and that feeling in your core will manifest, because that's how you feel. Currently, the effect of connection through intuition always crosses us through the word invoked by social formality that most of the time causes us discomfort and discoveries for a new reality. What is the word for getting to intuition? The bridge of the word to arrive at developing intuition is the state meditative. They are two of the four levels of consciousness: beta, alpha, theta and delta. The higher your mental frequency, the lower your ability. The lower the brain frequency, the greater its capacity.

The connection with the universe: intuition as a portal


It is the state of mind you are in right now. It is the waking state that explores the most of the conscious mind. It therefore represents the highest brain cycling, corresponding to an average of 21 cycles per second. Fear, tension, stress, fright and panic cause the cycle to increase up to 60 cycles or more, resulting in psychosomatic diseases due to this change in frequency.


It is the state of deep relaxation, meditation, contemplation and prayer, corresponding to a brain rhythm between 7 and 14 cycles per second. At this deeper level, the field of your intelligence, your memory, your creativity, your inspiration, your sensory and extrasensory perception increases, and your intuition becomes more acute. Certainly, certain insights have occurred to you when you weren't even thinking about them, such as taking a walk or preparing a meal. It's when you let yourself be permeated by the possible. Any mental programming you do at an alpha level will effectively sensitize your subconscious. So abuse positive affirmations, for the deeper you imprint a determination or desire in your subconscious, the faster and stronger it will fulfill.


It is the deepest level and it is the last level that you reach in a state of consciousness. Brain rhythm is between 4 and 7 pulses per second. It is as if you are in a state of drowsiness but still in awareness, albeit in low frequency or deep hypnosis. By the way, the lower the frequency in a state of consciousness, the greater the mental energy. The more the boundary between the conscious and subconscious minds decreases, the closer you come to Infinite Wisdom, the Higher Self and the Cosmic Mind.

The connection with the universe: intuition as a portal


 It's the sleep level. Brain rhythm is ½ to 4 cycles per second. In this state, the conscious mind does not act. Brain activity at the delta level is very slow, ie ½ to 4 cycles/second. At this level, the senses are completely dormant and the person is totally unconscious, which corresponds to a state of deep coma, deep sleep or general anesthesia. With each good night's sleep, we replenish our everyday consciousness with a new and higher understanding of life. You know that time when you're almost asleep? So, enjoy the time you go to sleep and let yourself fall asleep connected to what you want to solve. The answer will surely come.

In short, the connection with the universe can happen through various forms and events in our lives. A possible mediation for personal spiritual self-knowledge and the practical development of meditation, with the filters of thoughts and actions for our inner and outer world, in communion for a sustainable and better world. We need to think of meditation as a practice of a world that thinks about its interior and exterior construction for the appreciation of the subject as a social and human. Think beyond the standards set by the capitalist world. Follow our intuition in connection with the universe.

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