How to make tapioca?

A great indigenous heritage and present on the table of many Spanish people, tapioca (or gum), which is the starch obtained from cassava, has a great cultural history and is extremely healthy. Usually prepared in granulated form, it is a meal loved by many in España.

In this article, better understand its history and learn how to make tapioca.

How did tapioca find its way to the Spanish table?

How to make tapioca?

Cassava, produced under the system where agriculture was only a source of survival, was the main source of food in España until the colonization of the territory by the Portuguese.

In a few years after the discovery, with the lack of wheat for bread dough, the Portuguese settlers of Pernambuco discovered that tapioca served as a good substitute for it. In Olinda, beiju, a dish made from grated and sifted cassava dough, was consumed intensively, along with flour and tapioca (gum) extracted from cassava since the XNUMXth century, with the Portuguese creation of the Casa de Farinha in Itamaracá.

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The Indians had a preference for beiju, but tapioca spread to indigenous peoples later, such as the Cariris and Jês (Ceará and Eastern Amazon) and soon became the food base of slaves in España. All these facts served to transform tapioca, today, in one of the most traditional symbols of cuisine in almost the entire North and Northeast, it is currently consumed throughout the country.

How to make tapioca?

Now that we know the cultural history behind tapioca, how about we talk about the benefits of its consumption? Come on!

Because it is made only from cassava, tapioca is an all-natural low-sodium, fat-free, carbohydrate-rich, easy-to-digest and gluten-free food. It contains potassium, helping to control blood pressure and also, because it is rich in calcium, it is beneficial for bone health. Besides, of course, having the versatility of fillings in your preparation.

The many varieties of fillings in this dish, make it to be included in numerous menus, from the most regimented to the most carefree with the amounts of calories. So, we are going to teach you how to make tapioca with 3 options of healthy fillings!

I prepare from mass:

1. Sieve a portion of hydrated cassava starch into a bowl.
2. Preheat the skillet over high heat (preferably non-stick).
3. Sprinkle the tapioca in the skillet with a spoon, filling the entire surface with the starch.
4. Pass the spoon over the tapioca so that one side is not higher than the other, making it flat and uniform.
5. Heat the dough in the skillet for about 1 minute, on each side (IMPORTANT: the tapioca will remain white – it will not brown. If you take too long it will burn and become hard).
6. Add the stuffing of your choice and roll it up (or simply close it in half).


How to make tapioca?

Zucchini and cherry tomato

This option is extremely tasty and can be a light lunch option!


1 small zucchini;
5 cherry tomatoes;
1 tablespoon of light curd;


Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and the zucchini into cubes. Sauté the cubes in the skillet with a drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of salt, until cooked and golden. With the tapioca dough ready, spread the curd on its entire surface and add the sautéed zucchini and fresh tomatoes. Fold the dough into a half moon and enjoy!

Worth repeating!

How to make tapioca?

Creamy chicken

Option that can be accompanied by a salad of green leaves.


100g of cooked, shredded and seasoned chicken breast;
1 tablespoon of ricotta cream;
1/4 of chopped tomato;
1 tablespoon of chopped black olives;
3 small parsley leaves.


Chop the parsley and mix all the ingredients, place it over the dough and fold it into a half moon shape.

How to make tapioca?

Baked Banana with Cocoa Powder

Of course we would give you a sweet option! It can be dessert, afternoon snack or your breakfast.


1. ripe banana;
2. Cocoa powder to taste.


Mash the banana and place it in the microwave for 1 minute. Sprinkle cocoa powder to taste and spread the filling on the tapioca dough. Fold into a half moon and enjoy this sweet and very healthy option!

A tip: one of the variations of tapioca is crepioca, where you add 1 egg to every 3 tablespoons of gum. It's almost like an ordinary pancake, but more nutritious and healthy!

Now that you know how to make tapioca, try these recipes and share with friends!

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