How to make healthy easter egg?

Easter is time for renewal. For Christians, it is the date of celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, the oldest and most important Christian festival (along with Christmas). For most people, it's a day to celebrate with a family lunch and the traditional chocolate egg hunt.

For the commerce, it is an excellent opportunity to carry out campaigns and promotions, bringing to the public the most diverse types of eggs and other delicacies made with chocolate. With so much variety and quantity, from the most conventional to the gourmet, you can't help but want to try one of each, right? It has something for everyone.

But how to deal with the guilt of eating such a delight, but which is a bomb of sugar and unhealthy fats? That's why we can increasingly find options for chocolate eggs made with natural, organic, preservative-free and even functional ingredients. And there are also alternatives for those who have any dietary restrictions. In this article, we are going to bring you some recipes for you to learn how to make an Easter egg in a healthy way and try it without remorse.

But first a little history: do you know how the bunny and the egg became symbols of Easter and how we got to chocolate eggs today?

The symbolism of the rabbit and the egg

Passover has its origins in the Jewish feast of Passover (which in Hebrew means “passage”). It is an analogy to the episode in which the Jews free themselves from slavery and leave Egypt, arriving in the promised land, led by Moses.

The date is not celebrated in the same way in some countries, but the best-known symbology refers to the rabbit and the egg. According to Maria ngela de Almeida, theologian at PUC-SP, the rabbit was a symbol of fertility since Ancient Egypt, thanks to its fabulous ability to procreate.

This may be one of the symbologies of the rabbit in the current celebrations of Easter, as the date marks the celebration of new life. The theologian also explains that the image of the rabbit has a relationship with Pesach, originating from tribal rites, which were intended to celebrate peace between peoples.

How to make healthy easter egg?
Gavin Allanwood / Unsplash

During these rites, the lamb was shared among the chiefs, to formalize the alliances between the tribes. In this context, the rabbit would be a substitute for the lamb.

Also according to Maria Angela, the egg is used as a symbol of the people of Israel during the Jewish feast. As it is a food that does not lose its shape after being cooked, it represents the identity and unity of this people. This symbology was adapted by Christianity to remember the rebirth. It is a very old tradition, which appeared even before Christ, and which has its origins in Europe. It was common to exchange eggs on the March 21 equinox, in celebration of the beginning of spring. When Christian Easter began to be celebrated, the exchange of eggs during Holy Week became a tradition. At that time, however, decorated chicken eggs were still exchanged. This custom of chocolate eggs began in France, when French confectioners began to fill eggs with chocolate.

From there to here

Easter eggs are already a tradition here in España. It is very common to present friends and relatives with chocolate eggs. Children, in particular, love this gift (even more so because, for them, the commerce has an infinite number of gifts and toys). Not to mention that chocolate is a sweet loved by most people.

But not everyone can eat chocolate, due to some dietary restriction – such as lactose intolerance and diabetes. Not to mention the fitness people who want to stay in shape. For this reason, in recent times there has been a good amount of alternatives to the traditional sweet, taking advantage of the best of cocoa (which is very rich in nutrients such as iron and flavonoids, substances with antioxidant properties that offer numerous benefits to our health).

Nowadays, there is no shortage of options to eat guilt-free chocolate, especially this Easter. The stores have already started to include all types of eggs – diet, fitness, functional, gluten-free and lactose-free, among others. But if you are one of those people who love to venture into gastronomy, enjoy the recipes we separate here and learn how to make healthy Easter eggs your way. You can even gift that special person. So get to work and get going!

How to make healthy easter egg?
karandaev / 123RF

Whey Protein Easter Egg

For those who are fitness – taken from the blog “Fitness Style”


  • 1/2 cup skimmed milk powder;
  • 2 scoops of whey protein chocolate flavor;
  • 1/2 cup powdered sweetener for oven;
  • 2 spoons of diet chocolate powder;
  • 2 bars of 70% cocoa chocolate;
  • 1 and 1/2 cup of water;
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil;
  • 1 package of zero chocolate flavor pudding;
  • 1 PVC Easter egg mould.


In a bain-marie, melt the chocolate bars. Take the Easter egg mold and brush the melted chocolate until it turns into a cone. Place the mold in the freezer and let it harden.

In a pan, add the water, the whey protein scoops and the pudding packet. Mix all the ingredients until they are creamy. Turn off the heat and let cool.

When the cream is cold, add half a cup of skim milk powder, the powdered sweetener and a teaspoon of coconut oil. Mix all the ingredients well and turn the heat back on. Mix well until it turns into a brigadeiro.

Once the cream is finished, wait for it to cool down and place it inside the mold that is in the freezer. Let your whey protein egg stay cold.

Diet Easter Egg with Oatmeal

For diabetics – taken from the website “Tua Saúde”

Oatmeal is an excellent food to help control insulin, which makes this egg also functional for those who suffer from this disease.


  • 500g diet chocolate bar (preferably semisweet);
  • 100g of toasted textured soy protein;
  • 50g of toasted almonds;
  • 4 spoons of oats;
  • 100g of tangerine segments already dipped in diet chocolate.


Melt the chocolate bar in a bain-marie and stir with a wooden spoon until uniform. Spread the melted chocolate on the kitchen countertop, preferably on the marble stone, and cool the chocolate, stirring constantly with a spatula. When the chocolate is at 36°C, place it in a bowl and add the soy protein, toasted almonds and oatmeal until everything is uniform.

Place a thin layer of this chocolate in a mold suitable for Easter eggs and take it to the fridge for 5 hours. Then remove from the fridge and add another layer of chocolate and put it back in the fridge. Repeat this procedure 2 more times. When the Easter egg is completely dry, remove it carefully so as not to break it, place the tangerine segments inside, wrap it with colored cellophane and tie with a ribbon.

How to make healthy easter egg?
Polina Kovaleva / Pexels

Tip: so that the egg doesn't stick to the mold, line it with parchment paper.

Gluten-free and lactose-free Easter egg

For gluten and lactose intolerant people: recipe by cook Lúcia Guimarães, published on the “Bonde” news portal.

This recipe is also diet and vegan. For those who are allergic to almonds, opt for another fruit to garnish. Attention: almonds do not contain gluten, but care must be taken due to cross-contamination, caused by allergenic ingredients. If you don't want to consume soy derivatives, substitute a gluten-free, lactose-free and soy-free chocolate. There are several options available in vegan stores.

Egg Ingredients:

  • 300g of chocolate sem lactose (chocolate based on diet soy);
  • 1 silicone mold of 300g.

Stuffing Ingredients (Ganache):

  • 200g of non-dairy chocolate;
  • 1 box of vegetable milk cream;
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil;
  • 300g of strawberries or green grapes;
  • Almonds to finish.


Melt the 200g of chocolate in a bain-marie, add the vegetable cream, the coconut oil and set aside (this mixture, the ganache, will be the egg filling).

Cut 300g of chocolate into small pieces and melt in a bain-marie or microwave. Fill and spread the chocolate in the mold, without making the layer too thick. Place in the fridge for 5 minutes and repeat this process three more times. Unmold, fill the egg with the ganache, cover with strawberries and finish with the almonds (or other fruit of your choice).

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Did you see how to make an Easter egg is not so difficult and can still be pleasurable? With our tips, you will have the opportunity to offer the best for your health and those you love!

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