The balance provided by yoga

    Not being able to stand still for a long time, in addition to the difficulty of disconnecting from everyday problems and worries, is a common routine for those who live in the modern world. And to tackle the problem of stress and anxiety, experts suggest a simple practice to ensure your balance: yoga.

    Created over three thousand years ago, Yoga consists of a set of ancient techniques that aim to improve physical and mental health., through concentration during stretching and meditations. The practice is considered as an alternative method against anxiety and depression, as it directly affects the central nervous system, providing relaxation and lightness.

    According to Elisa H. Kozasa, a researcher at the Department of Psychobiology at Unifesp and at the Instituto do Cérebro at Hospital Albert Einstein, both in São Paulo, “The person learns new references and starts to have a state of kindness with their own body and mind. But the reduction of stress symptoms as well as anxiety and improved attention is seen in many studies after about eight weeks of daily training.”

    The balance provided by yoga

    For practitioners, in addition to yoga, some simple attitudes can be implemented in your daily life, so that you have an easier time dealing with conflicts and adversities:

    • always remember that you are the only person who can change your life, you can use this transforming power both positively and negatively. Try to see life's obstacles as challenges that will provide you with personal growth. Try to take a lesson from everything that happens to you.
    • Happiness is not permanent, so the problems aren't either, don't give them so much importance.
    • In the rush of your day enjoy the little moments to relax. When in front of the computer, stretch your arms and legs, relax your muscles; when you get up, stretch your body; When walking, even if at home, meditate on the path. Pay attention to your movements, the alternation of your legs, the support of your feet on the floor.
    • Exercise or walk once a day.
    • Connect with people who make you feel good and cultivate good friendships. Listen to the people who are close to you and share your life with them.

    Text written by Natália Nocelli of Team Eu Sem Fronteiras

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