How to get rid of warts? Understand your emotional cause

Warts are nothing more than excessive skin growths that occur due to a virus called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). They can come out on different parts of the body.

Warts can come in different shapes and sizes and the texture can also be different depending on the case. They usually appear more easily when the person has an injury or cut in the skin. Because of this, it is common to find warts in children.

Did you know they are transmissible? Warts can be contagious, yes. They are usually passed through touch and also in public places such as bathrooms, gyms and swimming pools.

Cristina Cairo states in her book that warts come from the hatred that we have for something or someone in our life. And the best, it is possible to unravel this anger through the place where the wart is present.

Warts second Cristina Cairo:

How to get rid of warts? Understand your emotional cause
ocskaymark / 123RF

Wart symbolizes the accumulation of moments of hatred, for living with a suspicious heart and always attentive to the ugly things in their environment. Depending on where the warts are, you will be able to identify where the anger comes from and what you find ugly or mean.

Knowing how to analyze correctly, they will serve as a guide for the changes in your thoughts. Example: wart on the middle finger means sexual conflicts with partners who never understood him, hurts in the sexual relationship for not being able to express his true fears or anxieties; feeling that relationships are always dubious for your future, and having thoughts or feelings against your own sexuality or your relationship. It can often be related to the past that you didn't forgive and that brought you deep disappointments.

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The most important thing is not to pull out the wart with some instrument or medicine, but to understand its meaning to help yourself and correct your steps. With your heart free of these ugly old ideas, warts will automatically disappear. Use your common sense and see if it's worth keeping so much banality that it only serves to get in the way of your happiness. Even if you don't remember it right away, know that somewhere in your mind the little hatreds of the past and present were deposited. Eliminate them by replacing them with small thoughts of love with each sad memory. Think positively, because life is too beautiful for the human being to spoil it with his wounded ego.

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