Balance two Chakras to increase libido

Chakras, which can also be called chakras, are energy centers present in every person's body, according to Hinduism. Through them, it is possible to exhale, absorb and control the energies that surround us at all times. In addition, each of the chakras relates to a specific part of the body. And among them it is possible to list seven, which represent the energy centers with the greatest impact on the body and mind.

By tracing a vertical line that covers the entire trunk, the position of each of them is identified. At the top of the head is the crown chakra. Below it, the brow chakra. In the throat, the throat chakra. At the height of the heart, the heart chakra. Between the navel and the lung, the solar plexus chakra. At the navel, the sex chakra. Finally, in the region of the sexual organs, is the base chakra.

Balance two Chakras to increase libido
Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

While there is much to learn about each of the energy centers within us, two of them can play a key role in your sex life and will therefore be the focus of this article. Next, understand more about what defines your sexual desire and how balancing your chakras can improve your pleasure!

What is libido?

Libido is a term used to designate the energy we have to act according to instinct. Popularly, libido is defined as a person's sexual desire. So, if someone's libido is high, it is understood that they feel more urge to perform sexual activities, alone or with others. On the other hand, if a person has a low libido, he will not feel like engaging in any kind of sexual activity.

It is necessary to consider that many people who are asexual do not feel sexual desire in any situation. This doesn't mean that they don't have a libido, but that their libido manifests itself in another way, as an intense desire for something, which is not necessarily sex.

If you are a sexual person and lately you have been losing the desire to engage in sexual activities, this could be a sign that there is an imbalance in your body. The lack of libido can be caused by anxiety, depression, the use of certain medications, among others. But there are cases where low libido is related to an energy problem.

Chakras is libido

As presented earlier, there are two chakras that are located close to the sexual region of the body. The sex chakra, to a greater extent, is responsible for concentrating energy that is closely related to libido and, consequently, to sexual desire. The base chakra represents a person's survival instinct, also encompassing sexual desire to a lesser extent.

Also called the sacral or umbilical chakra, the sex chakra represents an individual's sexual energy and creative force. It's as if all your libido is concentrated in this region close to your belly button and your genital organ. From this chakra it is possible to absorb and exhale the energies related to desire and creativity.

When the sex chakra is balanced with others and functioning properly, a person feels more willing to live, to venture out, to dedicate himself to different projects and, of course, to perform sexual activities, if he is a sexual person. Affective relationships, as well as someone's sexual orientation, are also defined from this chakra.

Balance two Chakras to increase libido
Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

If the sex chakra suffers an imbalance during its development in adolescence, the consequences can last into adulthood. Insecurities, repression of sexuality and low libido are some of the damages caused by the lack of affection and the imposition of standards with regard to a person's affective and sexual relationships.

You will know that your libido is low when, in addition to not feeling like having sexual activities, you are ashamed of your body, your sexual orientation and your desires. Maybe you don't even like receiving affection from other people, even if there is emotional and/or sexual involvement between you.

If an imbalance of the chakras can reduce your libido, it can also increase it excessively. An accumulation of energies in the sex chakra can lead a person to develop a sex addiction, with very high libido, being unable to control himself in situations that do not involve a sexual context. Sex addiction reduces sexual pleasure when the act is performed, and therefore needs to be treated.

The signs presented show that there is an energy imbalance in your sex chakra, which is causing it to concentrate too much or too little energy. Despite this, there is no reason to panic. It is possible to resolve this issue and regain balance in your libido!

How to improve libido?

To improve your libido and regain your sex drive or make it more contained, you need to balance your sex and base chakras. Fortunately, there are simple ways to do this. Check them out and take the test!

1) Colors in your favor

Each chakra is represented and stimulated by a color. According to Chromotherapy, each color emits a type of energetic vibration for our bodies when they are used for that purpose. To balance the base chakra, in this case, you can use red clothes, as this is the tone that relates to chakra. You will also need to wear orange clothes so that the sex chakra is balanced. Orange, in addition to symbolizing the sex chakra, is also the color of creativity.

2) Back to nature

The best way for a person to reconnect with their primal instincts is to reinforce their contact with nature. As the base chakra is related to our impulses, walking the earth without shoes, feeling the vegetation of a place and even listening to the birds attentively can be a great way to bring more balance to these energy centers. For aromatherapy, spreading an essential oil on your hands that has cedar essence will also help you. From there, it will be possible to rescue and recognize your instincts, balancing them to better practice them.

  • Get to know your body's chakras and understand how each one affects you
  • Learn what asexual sexual orientation means to a person
  • Try a therapy to increase libido in men and women

3) Using the power of imagination

If regaining your contact with nature is a way to stimulate your base chakra, the most effective way to activate your sex chakra is through your imagination. Envision an orange light covering your belly button and moving towards your sexual organs. As this color represents chakra, thinking about it will balance the energies in your body that are flowing into it. By spreading sandalwood essential oil on your hands, according to Aromatherapy, you will stimulate the energy balance of your sex chakra. With these exercises, it will be possible to improve your libido, recovering or controlling your desire for sexual activities.

It is important to point out that in some periods of our lives it will be more difficult to feel sexual desire, or the desire to start new projects and innovate. It's okay to go through periods like this, but if your low or high libido is bothering you, it's best to do exercises to restore the energy balance in your body. Get to know more about yourself with simple exercises!

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