How does orthomolecular treatment work?

    How does orthomolecular treatment work?

    The healing process is not always pleasant and therefore many people are reluctant to view traditional medicine treatments with optimism. On the other hand, alternative treatments have gained supporters who want to take a chance on new methods, even if their functioning is not really proven. One of these treatments is orthomolecular.

    Orthomolecular treatment is a type of treatment that began to emerge in the 1950s when several psychiatrists started megavitamin therapy, which consisted of high doses of vitamin B3 in the body. Over time, this therapy began to use other vitamins, minerals, and medications, which opened the door to further trials.

    Thus, they used biomolecules in high doses, which is known today as orthomolecular treatment. A biomolecule is a chemical compound whose composition is mainly carbon, in addition to hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. To simplify, some examples of what are considered biomolecules: water, proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids and vitamins.

    Orthomolecular treatment is done through a diet, which aims to treat the chemical imbalance in the body, in addition to influencing the person's mental and emotional health. From that point of view, it seems like a good idea, but that's where the controversy begins.

    Many people who tested this treatment began to talk about an improvement in various aspects, such as: weight loss, skin health, depression and the most diverse types of diseases. This generated a rumor about how the orthomolecular treatment was something, in a way, "miraculous", which attracted many people uninformed about how everything really worked. Consequently, there have been cases of frustration by people who have not achieved the goals they had in mind with this alternative treatment.

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    It is at this point that we must warn about the importance of an expert's opinion before testing any type of treatment. The orthomolecular treatment is not recognized by the Conselho Federal de Medicina de España (CFM), which indicates how unlikely its effects are to be scientifically tested. On the other hand, supporters of alternative medicines claim that these treatments will become more accepted over time and will have their effectiveness proven. When in doubt, try to inform yourself, because when we are dealing with health, all care is necessary.

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