Quotes and reflections by Nelson Mandela, an icon in the defense of humanitarian causes

You've probably heard of Nelson Mandela. But do you know about the story and all of its struggle that caused major worldwide impacts? Find out a little more about who Nelson Mandela was, a great activist leader and human rights defender, and how his life journey was, and still is, so important to the world, making him a model of person to follow and admired.

Nelson Mandela's story

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on the 18th of July 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa. From an early age, the boy already showed signs of leadership, kindness and revolution, however, it was only in 1939, when he entered the Faculty of Law, that he began to become politicized against the lack of racial democracy. In 1944 he founded the “Youth League of the African National Congress”, primarily responsible for the representation of black people in politics at a time full of racial segregation and the absence of human rights for blacks, which resulted in a high number of deaths among the Afro-descendant population.

Mandela dedicated his life to fighting for the end of apartheid, the racial separation regime implemented in South Africa in 1948. However, in 1962, accused of conspiracy against the government, Nelson Mandela was arrested for the first time. In 1964, he was sentenced again for participating in protests, this time to life in prison. Even from inside prison, Mandela did not stop fighting for what he believed in and continued in his fight for a just, egalitarian and democratic society, with the end of apartheid and racial oppression.

On February 11, 1990, 27 years after his arrest, the president of South Africa, Frederik de Klerk, ordered the release of Nelson Mandela, after much international pressure, and other black activists arrested at the time, ending the apartheid law. . Upon leaving prison, Mandela made one of his most famous speeches worldwide, seeking reconciliation with the country. In one passage he says:

“I fought white domination and I fought black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society, in which all people can live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal that I hope to live by and that I hope to achieve. But if need be, it is an ideal I am ready to die for.”

Three years later, both Nelson and Frederik were honored and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their struggles for human and civil rights in the country. Mandela even won the title of “Father of the Fatherland” of the South African nation.

In 1994, Nelson Mandela was elected president of South Africa, becoming the first black president to govern the country and prepare it for a multiracial democracy. With the end of his presidential term in 1999, Mandela retired with great achievements in his political career and, even after he retired, he dedicated himself to campaigns to fight AIDS in the country. On December 05, 2013, at the age of 95, Nelson Mandela died from complications of a lung infection in Johannesburg, South Africa. He left a historical legacy, marked by his tireless fight for the end of apartheid, in favor of equality and human rights for the black population until the present day.

Quotes and reflections by Nelson Mandela, an icon in the defense of humanitarian causes
Anton Ivanov / 123RF

Mandela and His Wisdom

Nelson Mandela, even in the face of so many difficulties, never gave up fighting for his ideals and always proved to be a very wise man, becoming a world public figure of power. This was clear during his speeches, not just from his great oratory, but from the messages he conveyed.

It is no wonder that many of his phrases have gained prominence and have become quite famous and widely used to this day.

Below are the seven most famous quotes by Nelson Mandela:

1. “Education is the most powerful weapon with which to change the world.”

Education is essential to change the world, it has the greatest power to transform and revolutionize, not wars and firearms. When there is an opportunity for study and education, doors open and people are able to develop intellectually and socially, aiming not only for their own well-being, but also for the collective well-being. This reflection by Mandela is very important even for the present day, when it is necessary to value even more the power of education.

2. “Whatever the God, I am master of my destiny and captain of my soul.”

Regardless of beliefs, religion or anything else, the only person responsible and capable of walking the path of your life is yourself. Therefore, it is important to know where you want to go and how to proceed, in order to achieve a satisfactory result like Mandela, who faced everyone on his way to conquer what he dreamed of and believed to be ideal for everyone.

3. “I hate racism because I consider it a savage thing, whether it comes from black or white.”

Racism is such a flawed and deplorable act that it should never be practiced by anyone in their right mind. People should keep in mind, regardless of race, creed or gender, that racism is a crime and can hurt more than any physical wound. Nelson Mandela is an example to be followed and admired, as he faced with great strength and determination one of the worst faces of racism, in order to end it for world peace and harmony, even if he put his life at risk.

4. “Democracy with hunger, without education and health for the majority, is an empty shell.”

A government that calls itself democratic but discards the less favored, leaving them on the margins of society, hungry, without health and education, is a flawed government, which must review its principles. Everyone is equal and everyone must have equal access to the minimum right to life, and that is what Mandela dedicated himself to fighting, making, or at least trying to make, the world a better place for everyone.

Quotes and reflections by Nelson Mandela, an icon in the defense of humanitarian causes
Anton Ivanov / 123RF

5. “No one is born hating another person because of the color of their skin, their origin or even their religion. To hate, people must learn, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love.”

People are born without any kind of restriction and teaching, but, throughout life, they create their beliefs and form their thoughts. However, a lot of intolerance is created within human coexistence, and bad acts arise, such as racism. Mandela was already trying to warn and show that, if it is possible to “learn” not to like something or someone, it is also possible to teach the opposite, so that the whole society can live in harmony, without disrespect and inequality, it is enough that such teaching be passed ahead with dedication and responsibility.

6. “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, it gets into his head. If you speak to him in his own language, you reach his heart.”

Nelson Mandela was a master of communication, he knew exactly that for his messages to be heard and passed on, it was not just good words, but the right way to express himself. Thus, when you want to convey a message, it is important to know the audience you are talking to, so that there is not just an exchange of ideas, but the transmission and propagation of them. The objective of this is to reach as many people as possible, a strategy widely used, for example, in the political environment.

7. “Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through it that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a miner can become the director of the mine, that a child of farm laborers can become the president of a country.”

Education was a fundamental issue for Mandela, which he always sought to reinforce in his speeches. This is because education opens doors to several opportunities for growth, contributing to development in several areas, whether intellectually, socially, culturally, economically, etc. And everyone benefits from it, since education is a social process that only generates progress towards a better world for everyone.

Quotes and reflections by Nelson Mandela, an icon in the defense of humanitarian causes
Anton Ivanov / 123RF

How many interesting phrases and teachings, no? Nelson Mandela contributed immensely to world history, in addition to being a great example and excellent leader, who fought bravely against racial segregation, managed to end apartheid, give voice and greater visibility to black people and still contributed by leaving several teachings and examples to be followed and passed on for generations.

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His words and life lessons, even though many years have passed, are still essential for the present situation in the world, as can be seen in his speeches through the issues addressed, such as education, racism, democracy, dreams, among others. There is no doubt that Mandela could see ahead of his time. As much as it was a battle plotted at the time, he knew it would be a constant fight. Certainly the life story of Nelson Mandela, marked by struggles and achievements, must perpetuate forever in the world and be a permanent model of determination, courage, character and faith.

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