home remedy for fatty liver

Known in medicine as hepatic steatosis, fat in the liver can cause very serious problems for those who have it. Fat in the liver happens when the cells of the organ begin to receive triglycerides, or rather fat cells. Contrary to what you imagine, it is super normal to have fat in this organ. When the amount is high, however, the chance of major problems is increased.

Over time, the excessive presence of fat in the liver can lead to an inflammation that is known as steatohepatitis. Without the necessary diagnosis and treatment, this can progress to cirrhosis.

There are two causes of fatty liver: fatty liver caused by alcohol and fatty liver that is not caused by alcohol. In the first case, excess alcohol is the main cause of the disease. Excessive consumption can lead to the presence of fat cells, causing the disease.

In the second case, which is not caused by excessive alcohol use, it can occur due to diabetes, obesity, hepatitis B and C, high cholesterol, among other reasons. Among the most common reasons, however, is obesity, as a large part of the population that has fat in the liver is obese.

Taking the emotional side, according to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), the liver is most responsible for the balance of the entire body – especially in women. According to TCM, the stagnant flow of energies in the liver can be one of the main factors for the accumulation of fat. Consequently, the entire body begins to suffer from this problem and the person may experience insomnia, digestive problems, migraines, etc.

That's why in this article you will have great natural tips to contribute to the health of your liver. We separate some natural and contraindication-free recipes to help you.

Homemade recipes against fatty liver

These recipes can be used in cases of already diagnosed problems and even serve to help with treatment. If you don't have any problems with liver fat but want to use them to prevent the disease, feel free but don't abuse it.

Remembering that joining physical exercises to these recipes can help to be even more effective. So, on to the recipes:

Melon and mint juice

home remedy for fatty liver
Form / Pxhere

Mint is well known for treating digestion problems and for having a bitter substance that helps repair the liver. The melon, in this case, is used to add an extra flavor to the juice!

  • 1/4 of melon;
  • 1 handful of mint, about 10 leaves;
  • 1 glass of water.

To prepare the juice, put the water, melon and mint in a blender and blend everything. Then strain through a sieve and drink without sweetening. If you want to sweeten it, opt for natural sugars like honey or brown sugar.

Sunflower Tea

home remedy for fatty liver
Slawomir Gawryluk / 123rf

For those who don't know, jellyfish is also known as fenugreek. So, if you're looking for alforva and can't find it, cite this other name. Marshmallow contains the amino acid 4-hydroxy-isoleucine, which is very suitable for reducing blood glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol. With this tea it is possible to potentiate the effects of the medicine indicated by medicine.

  • 25 grams of jellyfish seeds.

Preparing this recipe is very simple: you can pulverize the seeds at home with the blender or buy them already pulverized, then add them to salads, juices and soups during your days.

Thistle tea

home remedy for fatty liver
Joerg Mikus / 123rf

Milk thistle is great for liver fat as it has astringents in its composition. These, in turn, are responsible for facilitating digestion and stimulating appetite, as fat in the liver causes loss of appetite.

  • 2 teaspoons of thistle seeds;
  • 2 cups of water.

To prepare this recipe, just put the water in a container to boil and once it has boiled add the milk thistle seeds.

You should let them rest for about 15 minutes and then you can drink the tea throughout the day.

You may also like

  • The health benefits of melon
  • Discover the best foods to fight liver problems
  • Learn what to do to prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver
  • Fat in the liver. What to do?
  • Investigate the emotional causes of fat accumulation in the liver

Never dispense medical follow-up!

You should never leave medical care behind.

Do not substitute medications for these recipes, just include them in your routine as a way to further help your body eliminate fat in the liver.

In case you don't have liver problems, you can use these recipes just to take care of your liver, but without excess.

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