Understand the meaning of colors in Chromotherapy

Understand the meaning of colors in Chromotherapy

Have you ever noticed that some colors make you feel happier and more energetic while others lower your excitement and bring a melancholy mood? According to chromotherapy, this happens because each color emits a vibration in our bodies and our minds, altering the way we feel.

Next, understand how these vibrations that colors emit can be used to improve your physical and mental well-being through chromotherapy. At the end of the article, you will discover the meanings of each color to get closer to those that are good for you!

The origin of chromotherapy

Chromotherapy, also called color therapy, has been used in countless ways for a long time. The Greeks directed the sun's rays towards crystals to take advantage of the rainbow colors this technique produces. The Egyptians, on the other hand, only used colored crystals, both to cure illnesses and to develop gifts.

More broadly, India relied on chromotherapy through mandalas and crystals to treat problems and develop the spirit. With a similar goal, the Chinese used colors to balance the energies of the body. Over time, these techniques were taken all over the world.

The relationship of colors with emotion

The vibrations that a color emits act directly on a person's brain. As a result, she may feel irritable, focused, calm, agitated, welcomed, repressed, and even hungrier.

Evidence of this is that fast-food restaurants are usually red or orange, to stimulate the desire to eat. On the other hand, a room with blue walls can bring a sense of peace. In other words, colors directly interfere with our emotions.

Color in a healing process

Considering that colors act on our brains, through chromotherapy it is possible to promote changes in a person's well-being. That's because, after identifying the emotional or physical problems that someone is facing, just choose the color that best applies to solving these issues.

Therefore, it is possible to assist in the treatment of anxiety, depression, insomnia, lack of appetite and difficulty concentrating. In addition, chromotherapy also helps in the treatment of muscle pain, fevers, skin problems and in the proper functioning of the body, in specific cases. However, the therapy must be applied by professionals.

The meanings of colors in chromotherapy


The color red acts on the Root (or Basic) Chakra. It is considered the most powerful color in therapy for having a high stimulating power. It is indicated to improve heart problems, stimulating blood circulation and the Central Nervous System, in addition to increasing appetite. Often used for discouraged and depressed people. It should be avoided in agitated people and with sleep disorders.


The color orange is linked to the Splenic (or Sexual) Chakra and represents restoration of energies as it is a vibrant and joyful color. Therefore, it is widely used in work environments where creativity needs to be stimulated. It is also indicated to associate in renal and constipation treatment and to accelerate metabolism and increase sexual tone.


The yellow color acts on the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is indicated in cases of digestive problems, drowsiness, bad mood and depression. Yellow can also help maintain focus and attention, stimulating the Central Nervous System and attracting good thoughts. However, care should be taken as it can increase blood pressure.


Green is linked to the Heart Chakra. It has the power to increase immunity, being widely used to improve chronic and acute dysfunctions, especially in cases of flu and colds. The green color has a calming function and is indicated to relieve stress and improve depression due to its properties that balance the body and mind, but its excessive use can cause laziness.


Calm and tranquility are synonymous with the color blue in chromotherapy. Related to the Throat (or Throat) Chakra, it is indicated for sleep disorders and stress. The blue color also has analgesic properties that help fight fever, sore throats and skin problems.


This color acts on the Third Eye (or Front) Chakra and is widely used to bring peace and balance the energies of the body. Associated with cleaning, many people put indigo lights at home to generate a sense of peace and purification in the environment.


The violet color is linked to the Crown (or Coronal) Chakra. It is the most suitable for emotionally unbalanced people due to its ability to transform negative energies into positive ones, in addition to its high anti-inflammatory power, being widely used in treatments for dermatitis and other skin conditions. It is also indicated to control appetite and relax muscles.

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How to use chromotherapy?

Color therapy is performed, at first, based on the seven colors of the rainbow, namely: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. However, nowadays, it is already possible to use other colors in therapy.

Each color has its own energetic vibration and, as the light propagates through the environment, or directly on the body, the effect of the color in question will be stimulated so that the desired result occurs.

The most common way for chromotherapy to be used is through devices that emit colored lights directly in the region of the body, or in a closed environment, according to the needs of each client.

In addition, you should be very careful when choosing the color that will be used. That's why it's important to have the help of a trained therapist, since warm colors, such as red and orange, should be avoided in situations of stress and fever, for example, as they are stimulating colors that can worsen the condition. That's why it's essential to know what each color is needed for.

The benefits of chromotherapy

You must have realized by now how good color therapy can be, right? As seen earlier, this therapy generates improvement in the physical, mental and emotional fields. Let us now highlight the main benefits that chromotherapy brings to health. See below:

  • Relief of signs and symptoms of some physical or mental illness.
  • Stimulates the Central Nervous System.
  • Improved heart function.
  • Improved blood circulation.
  • Promotes a sense of physical, mental and emotional well-being.
  • Relieves symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.
  • Contributes to the treatment of sleep disorders.
  • It reduces the feeling of physical fatigue, it can even increase the mood.
  • Helps in the treatment of headaches.

Despite the numerous benefits and improvements that chromotherapy can provide, it is important to remember, as mentioned earlier, that each color attracts a type of energy that acts on different needs, and can cause unwanted effects due to its inappropriate use. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful in addition to knowing its specifications and, preferably, perform color therapy with the indication and help of a trained professional.

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