Healthy recipes for everyday

Healthy and varied food? Yes or for sure? The rush of today leaves us with no time for many things. One of them is taking care of our own food. With that, we appeal to ready-to-eat food, fast food or often we just opt ​​for unhealthy restaurants in food apps (not that they don't have healthy recipes as options, but our eyes are filled with what doesn't do so well).

In an attempt to adopt new eating habits, we end up cutting out a lot of foods, as we feel they are not necessary or beneficial. And worse: we appeal to the salad, as we see it as synonymous with healthy eating. And the salad is, but our lack of creativity or even the lack of knowledge about vegetables and combinations ends up making our consumption limited; because of that, after a while it becomes boring, more of the same. From there it's a leap to go back to eating junk food.

On the other hand, there are many people who think that eating healthy is expensive and takes work. You can eat well without spending a fortune or spending hours in the kitchen. But the key to everything is planning. Before adopting healthy recipes for everyday life, plan the menu, freeze what can be frozen, make a list and research ingredients to get out of the sameness, which, in addition to displeasing over time, may still not provide the nutrients. properly.

Let's leave some healthy recipe tips for everyday life, including sweets, full dishes, snacks for that quick snack, drinks and desserts. Most of the ingredients are easy to find, and the dishes are very practical.

Healthy recipes for everyday
Image of marcioshaffer by Pixabay


Frying pan cheese bread – taken from Mamis Blog


• 1 this
• 1 clara
• 2 tablespoons of sour flour
• 1 tablespoon of water
• 1 tablespoon (dessert) of low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese
• 1 pinch of salt
• 3 slices of light mozzarella


Beat the eggs, salt, flour, yogurt and water in a mixer or blender. Place 1/3 of the dough in the preheated nonstick skillet and cook over low heat. When it comes off the pan, turn it over and wait for it to brown on the other side. Put the mozzarella and make a roll. With the heat of the dough, the cheese will melt. Make the other portions with the rest of the dough.

Healthy recipes for everyday
Image of Yash Gooly by Pixabay

For the lunch

Caprese pasta with chicken – taken from the Panelinha website


• 1 cup (tea) of farfalle (or other short pasta of durum grain);
• 5 cherry tomatoes;
• ½ cup (tea) of cubed buffalo mozzarella;
• olive oil to taste;
• basil leaves to taste;
• salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.


Place a medium pot of water over high heat. When it boils, mix ½ tablespoon of salt, add the pasta and cook for the time indicated on the package or until it is “al dente”. Meanwhile, prepare the other ingredients. Wash and dry the tomatoes and basil leaves. Cut the tomatoes in half and transfer them to a bowl. Add the mozzarella cubes, the basil leaves, season with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Once cooked, pass the pasta through a sieve and let the water drain well. Add the still hot pasta to the ingredients in the bowl, drizzle with a little more olive oil and mix gently. Serve next.

Our contribution: you can add grilled chicken chips.

Healthy recipes for everyday
T Caesar image by Pixabay


Protein mug cake – taken from the Mimis Blog


• 1 egg without the yolk skin;
• 2 tablespoons of oat bran;
• 2 tablespoons of skimmed milk powder;
• 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder;
• 1 teaspoon of sweetener;
• 2 teaspoons of natural skimmed yogurt;
• 1 teaspoon of baking powder;
• 2 squares of semi-sweet chocolate (6 grams).


Beat the egg well and then add it to the other ingredients and mix. You can use the mixer if you prefer. Divide the batter into two mugs and microwave one at a time. Cooking time will vary between 1 minute and 40 seconds to 2 minutes and 20 seconds. This will depend on your microwave oven. Once cooked, remove the cake from the mug with the help of a knife. Melt the chocolate square and place it on top of the cake.

Healthy recipes for everyday
Image of Hans Braxmeier by Pixabay

Afternoon snack

Spinach Cake – taken and adapted from the Amabile Kolenda website


• 1/2 cup crumbled ricotta (you can substitute tofu too);
• 1 cup of sauteed and drained spinach leaves (the measure is sauteed, as spinach reduces a lot);
• 1/2 cup of sauteed broccoli leaves (you can use the whole broccoli, chopped);
• 1 this;
• 1/2 cup of oat flour (or other flour you like);
• 1/2 onion finely chopped or grated;
• Salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.


After sautéing the spinach and broccoli, let them drain to remove excess water. Chop them fine and drain a little more, this time pressing down with a spoon. In a bowl, mix the crumbled ricotta (or tofu), broccoli and spinach, season well and taste, adjusting the salt. Add the egg and oatmeal, mixing everything together by hand. Make balls and bake on high heat until golden (about 15 minutes) - if your oven is very strong, use medium temperature).

You can serve it with a sauce that you find tasty (preferably one that is not industrialized).

Healthy recipes for everyday
Imagem de Wanakorn Ketwilai por Pixabay


Sauteed vegetables – taken and adapted from Cozinha Travessa website


• 1 small pod tray;
• 1 large carrot;
• 1 zucchini;
• 1 small chayote;
• 1 tablespoon of minced garlic;
• 1 tablespoon of chopped or sliced ​​red onion;
• 2 to 3 tablespoons of soy sauce (preferably organic);
• 1 handful of sesame to taste;
• chopped green smell to taste;
• 1 pinch of black pepper;
• salt to taste.


Cut all the vegetables well washed and peeled into strips. In a deep frying pan, put a little water and add only the beans. When the water boils, leave for 2 minutes and drain the water. Return the skillet to the heat and add the zucchini, carrots and chayote. Put the minced garlic and let it sauté a little, then add the soy sauce and red onion. Stir well, sautéing the vegetables, which need to be cooked but crispy, so watch and taste so they don't get mushy. Toss in sesame to taste, as well as pepper and parsley. Stir more. If desired, season with salt.

Healthy recipes for everyday
Image of Iva Balk by Pixabay

Healthy and refreshing drink

Watermelon and ginger juice – taken from Loja Brazil website


• 1 medium glass of watermelon;
• 1 full tablespoon of chopped fresh ginger;
• 250 ml of water.


Peel and cut the ginger into very small pieces. Remove the seeds and cut the watermelon into large pieces. Blend the watermelon, water and ginger in a blender. Strain the juice through a sieve, put it in the fridge and serve.

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Healthy recipes for everyday
Image of Kirsten ter Borg by Pixabay

nutritious candy

Cream of avocado – taken from the website Aqui na Cozinha


• 1 and 1/2 cup (tea) of avocado pulp (or 1/2 avocado);
• juice of 1/2 lemon;
• 1/2 cup (tea) of skimmed milk;
• sweetener to taste (or, for those with intolerance, demerara sugar);
• grated lemon rind for sprinkling.


Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well until smooth. Pour into individual bowls, sprinkle with lemon zest and refrigerate. Consume next.

Now that you've read these healthy recipe tips for everyday life, start practicing now. They are easy, affordable, tasty and full of nutrients. It's like the saying among those who lead a healthier life: peel more and unpack less.

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