Meditating with the Angels

On 29/9 we remember the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, angelic beings that the Catholic Church recognizes as angels, but who fell into the "so-called" popular taste and, regardless of religion, many know them, accept their presence and connect with them!

We know that the Church recognizes them as the truth of faith, that is, the proof we have of their existence is only by faith (believing that they exist and that they help us). But he will say this to someone who has had his experiences with them, someone who prays, asks, calls, connects (to use internet language).

What is the function of having these beings? For the Church they are messengers of God, who should serve as examples for each one of us.

For popular taste, they serve to help with our health, financial life, dream realizations!!

Which view is correct? I think both… Because showing ourselves to God is necessary and starting to call an angel to improve my health is valid. But they are not just that and, at the same time, they are all that!!

Meditating with the Angels
Oluremi Adebayo / Pexels

And the only way to understand this is through proximity to them. Yes, creating intimacy with them, even calling them, asking for their presence in our life, because only then will we get to know them better, and, with this connection, they will be messengers of God in our life, they will show us the true face. God's.

This can happen through prayer or meditation. How do you meditate with angels?

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1 – Tip: put a song (can be internet video) that has to do with the one you want to connect with. If you don't have one in particular, do it with all 3 and then see which one you connected with the most.

2 – Take a deep breath!

3 – You can call the angel's name or simply listen to what the song says.

4 – There are also known prayers… Read these words calmly and try to understand their meanings. Even if it's a prayer from another religion that you liked, understand its words.

Meditate with the angels and feel their strength to discover the real reason for their existence, because they are not just representative figures, for sale of images, they are much more than that!!!

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