Spirituality and Religion – Part Two

    Spirituality and Religion – Part Two

    There is a saying that all roads lead to Rome, however, referring to different religions, it was adapted to: β€œAll roads lead to God”, wrong.

    By attributing religion as the path to God, we are materializing what is spiritual and, therefore, diverting the focus from the meaning of earthly life.

    I'm not saying here that religion is right or wrong, I'm just showing the difference between those who care about God and those who practice God.

    What is pertinent to religion is attached to the manifestation of worship, rites and other typical expressions of religiosity, while spirituality is identified by the intimate, personal, unique human relationship with something greater recognized by the I, in which the meaning of life it consists in a reality of reflection of being on itself, not as being a casual existence.

    What is required of the person is not to bear vicissitudes in the name of God, which gives a false meaning to life; what is proposed is to understand, in rational terms, the fact that life has a coherent meaning and that such β€œvicissitudes” are consequences of poorly resolved performances whose exercise was necessary and will be repeated until the right is a natural practice.

    Each of us looks for stimulation that gives us meaning in life, showing us the paths between which we can choose the one that best suits us. One chose to be an engineer, she preferred medicine, some prefer accounting sciences and others prefer to be bricklayers... Paths... Only paths...

    Giving meaning to life does not mean obtaining joy in frenzy, being motivated by the ephemeral. Above that is the self-motivation to be useful. Consciously or not, we want to build, this is spirituality. However, whoever chooses the job aiming at the one that makes the most money will be frustrated at some point in his future, because he has set himself to serve only himself.

    It is not necessary to believe in spirit to be a spiritualist. Believing is not the foundation. The foundation is in acting for spirituality. Hence the misconception that when speaking of spirituality it is understood as intertwined with religion.

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    When we say that someone is a spiritualist, our mind almost always visualizes someone on their knees, lighting candles or singing hymns with their hands raised. In other words, we see religion.

    Someone can be religious and spiritual as long as they naturally practice the moral teachings they receive from religion. He who only puts himself in rituals at the moment of worship is religious, never spiritualist.

    There are those who call themselves an atheist being a spiritualist because of the natural practice of good customs β€” and there is also the opposite, being religious and not being spiritual in daily life. It is concluded, therefore, that spirituality is not in the path, but in the journey.

    Thank you for listening to me.

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