Forbidden fruits for dogs

Having a dog is having a best friend for life. And to ensure that he lives for many generations, we need to provide him with adequate food. Feed is the rule and, if it is of good quality, you can feed your animal with everything it needs. On the other hand, we always want to do an extra treat for our friend.

In the market, there are many options of bones and snacks that dogs can taste, but natural foods, which we can buy at the fair, are even more nutritious for them. In this menu, then, we can add the fruits. Refreshing, sweet and easy to chew, they are like a dessert that nature has prepared. Next, learn more about it!

Fruits that dogs can't eat

If you want to give your dog a fruit, it's best to be careful what you offer him. That's because there are some options that can harm your pet friend's health. Check out what to avoid when feeding fruit to dogs:

1) Grapes

Both fresh grapes and raisins are dangerous for dogs. Although the component of the fruit that is harmful to them has not been identified, it is important not to offer them.

2) Avocado

Avocado contains a substance called persin, which is very toxic to dogs. The effects it causes in the body of these animals are vomiting, diarrhea and, in the long term, heart problems.

3) Star fruit

Star fruit should not be offered to dogs because it contains substances that compromise the functioning of the kidneys of these animals.

4) Orange and lemon

The acidity of oranges and lemons does not match the dogs' body. It can cause gastritis and other digestive problems, which compromise the quality of life of these animals.

5) Pineapple

Like oranges and lemons, pineapple is an acidic fruit. This means that it can cause stomach discomfort for dogs, who will find it difficult to digest this food. So avoid it.

Fruits that dogs can eat

Now that you know which fruits you should never offer your dog, it's time to get to know the ones that are not dangerous for your friend. Find out what they are:

1) Banana

Without exaggerating the dose, you can offer bananas to your dog. Because it is a very sweet fruit, it can cause obesity in your pet.

2) Watermelon

After removing the seeds and rind from the watermelon, you can use the fruit as a treat for your dog on warmer days.

3) Strawberry

In small amounts and once in a while, your dog can eat strawberry. Remember, however, that this fruit is acidic, so it can be bad for his stomach.

4) Manga

As soon as you remove the skin and pit of the mango, you can cut it into pieces and offer it to your dog. It's an option full of vitamins!

5) Kiwi

If the kiwi is ripe, sweet and unpeeled, your dog will be able to eat it without harming its health.

6) Melon

Peeled and seedless, the melon is a snack rich in water, vitamins and fiber that can make your dog happy.

7) Guava

The peeled guava is an ally when your dog has a loose intestine. Remember, however, to seek veterinary help to identify the cause of the problem.

8) Jabuticaba

In small amounts, your dog can eat jabuticabas. You don't need to remove the husk and pit, as they aid in the digestion process.

9) Persimmon

Forbidden fruits for dogs
Kishinev / Getty Images / Canva

As persimmon is a fruit rich in sugars, it can only be offered in small amounts to your dog to avoid obesity.

10) Cashew

Cashew is a fruit that, without the nut, can be offered to your dog. In moderation, it can boost your friend's immunity.

11) Pitaya

The pitaya pulp, if it is sweet, is a different and safe option for your dog. Remember to avoid the bark!

12) Coco

Coconut is a fruit that is free for dogs, without exaggerating. That's because, in large quantities, it can deregulate the intestine.

Can you give fruit to puppies?

If you have a puppy, you already know that there are many restrictions on the food they can eat. Fortunately, this does not apply to fruit. The only important caveat to be made in this case is in relation to the quantity.

When a puppy dog ​​eats too many treats of any kind, it's normal for him to lose his appetite afterwards. With fruits, this is no different! So, if your pet eats a lot of these natural treats, he will hardly be able to eat the food later, on the same day.

Feed is always the best option!

Pet food is a safe, healthy and reliable way to feed your dog. The reason for this is that these animals need many types of food to maintain the proper functioning of the organism, since they are not exclusively carnivores.

Therefore, a dog needs grains, fruits, meats and vegetables. And these elements are concentrated in rations of many types, of different prices and of different brands. With the help of a veterinarian, you will be able to choose the food that best suits your pet!

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That is, although there are foods allowed for dogs, it is important to offer a complete menu and tested by professionals, which is present in the rations. After all, if even humans get sick from certain foods, even the ones we can eat, we can't risk the health of our pets!

Considering each information presented, we observe that there are a variety of fruits that dogs can eat while they should avoid some options. It is essential, however, that the food is based on nutritious and certified and approved by professionals!

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