What do you know about your mediumship?

    Hello seeker.

    We are here together to walk the destiny that has been reserved for us. The expansion of consciousness that brings us to our essence.

    I aim to spread knowledge about mediumship beyond religious boundaries and materialistic skepticism.

    We know little about ourselves and especially about our other realities, in addition to the material. The craving for knowledge drives science, philosophies and religions, which seek to explain the human being and the world according to the partial view of each one. However, they forget that all knowledge must be integrated, holistic, based on the interdependence between the pieces that unite the puzzle about who we are.

    We were born and learned, when small, to take our first steps, to hold objects and handle them, to recognize images and sounds. Smell is the most refined sense and the first to develop in the baby. We sharpen the palate, taste and repulsion for food. we improve speech and feel the touch on the skin.

    We grow and become skillful and competent, using them in our daily life as essential tools for personal and professional development.

    However, almost nothing is known about the sixth sense or mediumship. Restricted to spiritual schools and religions, we do not know adequately this innate gift that goes beyond the sphere of earthly sensations and material experience.

    Mediumship is present, more or less active in us, twenty-four hours a day, in some more developed than in others. It reveals itself as the being awakens to the parallel realities in which he is inserted.

    Planet Earth is constantly evolving and human spirits, as mutants, are closer to the sixth sense, which has been emerging with more intensity.

    What do you know about your mediumship?

    We live with subtle dimensions and, for the most part, do not have the notion of how much we interact.

    All human beings are mediums and, like the five senses, mediumship must be treated with the same consideration. It needs attention, development and study to be used in a competent and healthy way.

    We are spirits covered by various energy bodies, in different degrees and densities. Each represents a reality of the spiritual being in multidimensional manifestation.

    Mediumship is our ability to communicate with the various dimensions in which we operate. We receive influences from other planes and we also influence, producing changes in the personal vibrational field, others and environments. We interact with each other.

    Our spiritual and mediumistic condition is highlighted by the projections of our thoughts and feelings, converted into emotions, emanating energy and attuning us to similar energies.

    Thoughts and feelings, in their plasticity, have form, color and density and envelop the spirit, like subtle bodies.

    The sixth sense, called mediumship, allows us to perceive this world full of projections. Imbued in environments, people and objects, incarnate and disembodied spirits, we are all immersed in the ocean of energies coming from thoughts and feelings.

    We tune in and bring to earthly sensations what we experience in subtle dimensions. Illnesses of the body and mind are initially projected onto the subtle bodies and then settle into the physical.

    Mediumistic development should not be limited to religions or just to certain classes of people. Subtle paraphysiology guards the roots of the imbalances that we still absorb and brings answers to the search we carry out about our essence.

    We know the strength that is in what we think and feel. We almost touched it with our hands. Abstraction becomes tactile, exhales aroma, is visible, produces sound, is as real as a stone. A thought can change a life, a feeling can make you sick.

    Mediumship puts us in contact with the subtle world, expressed as a work of art, exposed to our five senses.

    Let's remove the veil of impediment, which religion and science have long held over us as a way of maintaining power. From now on, we are free to understand the mediumistic potential that we bring and that makes us masters of ourselves and our destiny.

    First for our own benefit, because it is time to awaken to the multidimensional reality. We are responsible for our health and fullness, we are co-creators.

    Second, mediumship brings us the understanding of our interdependence, as cells of a single living organism that comprises the universal, primordial cosmic fluid. The cosmic energy that makes up all things, which Einstein rightly referred to, relating it to matter. All matter is condensed energy.

    In addition, communications between disembodied and incarnate spirits are extremely useful to assist and accelerate the evolution of the planet, whether in spiritual elucidation works such as study, or in the treatment of spiritual diseases that plague beings, who are still linked by hatred, revenge. and obsessive passions.

    We are on a journey of self-knowledge, beyond the borders of the five senses. Mediumship allows us to communicate with other more advanced civilizations, other consciousnesses, egrΓ©gores, disembodied spirits, diverse energies and with our essence.

    You can heal yourself, your neighbor and live fully.

    Know thyself, an expression contained in Socratic philosophy, invites us to the internal path, of self-knowledge, which results in the understanding of oneself and the world, providing balance and happiness to earthly life.

    Mediumship is the path that unites the being that we are, earthly and spiritual, a multidimensional being.

    Be sure to follow my articles and videos proposed for this topic. You are my special guest!

    Be love!

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