Do you feel afraid? Join the club!

    Do you feel afraid? Join the club!

    Who doesn't feel afraid of something in life, right? From the moment we are born, we feel fear, fear, fear… there is something for all tastes.

    The word in Portuguese comes from the Latin “Years” — which means restlessness, dread, anxiety. The adjective “Meticulous” comes from the diminutive of Metus = Meticulus; a meticulous person is one who is 'afraid' of being caught for some fault and therefore tries to do everything right.

    “Fear” derives from “Timor” in Latin, from the verb 'Timere', and means to be afraid, to fear. This is where the adjective “Shy” comes from, which refers to people who deep down are afraid to relate, to speak, to put themselves, to present themselves in public, and it has everything to do with the Floral that we are going to talk about today.

    We educate children from an early age not to touch electrical outlets, not to play with fire, not to talk to strangers… in a way, we instill 'fear' in our children. So far so good, if prehistoric men weren't afraid of being devoured by wild animals, they wouldn't have discovered tools or invented the wheel.

    Therefore, alongside fear, we also need to instill in children the COURAGE to face it, to fight against this feeling that often paralyzes us. Fear becomes a problem when it prevents us from taking actions in life, from evolving, from setting limits, and finally from enjoying life as it presents itself.

    In the system created by Dr Edward Bach, there are five different types of Flowers for fear. Today we will address MIMULUS – a powerful little yellow flower!

    It's easy to distinguish when it's time to take Mimulus - it's the floral for the known fears, that is, I know what I'm afraid of!

    • fear of cockroach, spider, bee?
    • fear of darkness, rain, thunder?
    • Fear of elevators, heights or hauntings?
    • fear of public speaking, of exposing your ideas?
    • fear of getting sick, dying, going to the dentist? (who do not have?)
    • fear of becoming poor, of losing your job, fear of the boss?

    All are cases for the indication of Mimulus – the flower that gives us the courage to go forward, to overcome our limitations. There is a very cool quote by Nelson Mandela that says:

    Interestingly, Mimulus was the 1st flower in the System cataloged by Bach – he needed Mimulus to do his work on Earth, face his own fears and misgivings, have courage and go ahead.

    We sometimes have a feeling that through Fear we protect ourselves, but usually it makes us take a step back and go back to our caves. But if we don't face the fear of the outside world, how will we survive and discover the good things in life? Fear, instead of protecting us, causes the opposite effect – it weakens us and exposes us more to dangers.

    The story is known where several people were lined up in front of a double-sided mirror, the kind used to recognize criminals, but conversely, a robber was behind the mirror and had to choose the best victim to approach, guess what! he chose precisely the person who was most afraid of being robbed! No comments…

    Mimulus 'type' people are generally very sensitive and fragile looking, and do not always talk about their fears, are shy and nervous when faced with 'dangerous' situations – physical or emotional – and are generally anxious.

    Mimulus people need rooms (caves) where they can often isolate themselves to replenish their energy and regain their courage. The floral helps a lot to overcome these situations and face the outside world, get out of the cave!

    Mechthild Scheffer in her book “Flower Therapy by DR Bach” [Thought Editor] gives us some positive affirmations to practice when taking Mimulus:

    • “I feel strength and inner courage”
    • “I have freed myself from fear”
    • “I trust my inner guide”

    And you, what are your fears? Share with us in the comments below!

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