Does coffee with coconut oil work?

    Coconut oil has definitely been popular with fans of healthy eating, those who are looking for weight loss and quality of life, and especially in the so-called “fitness”. After its use in place of more common oils such as soy, canola and corn, and even for aesthetic treatments, such as hair and lips hydration, the fashion is now coconut oil mixed with coffee.

    The drink would be made in the proportion of a teaspoon of coconut oil to a cup of coffee, preferably being mixed with the aid of a mixer. Obviously, the mixture should not be sweetened, but if necessary, a small amount of the sweetener Stevia is usually released. In theory, this drink would be an aid in the slimming process and that's why it has gained many fans, but is this true?

    Does coffee with coconut oil work?

    Coffee with coconut oil, according to nutritional studies, cannot be considered a slimming drink, as neither of the two ingredients has that power. It is known, however, the thermogenic power of coffee and the ability to help reduce abdominal fat from coconut oil, which makes the drink suitable for consumption in the morning before functional training or physical exercises. the person usually does. Its consumption should be avoided at night because of the caffeine and the stimulating powers of coconut oil.

    The Spanish Association for the Study of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome has already issued an alert making it clear that no conclusive studies have been carried out proving the effectiveness of coconut oil in a weight loss process and making it clear that everything is just a fad. However, some studies show that the fat present in this oil would be less harmful than that of other products of the same type. However, as with everything we consume, there is also a need for moderation and care in consumption.

    Coffee with coconut oil is a good source of energy almost immediate effect that causes satiety through easy metabolism and the thermogenic effect of coffee, but its benefits do not go much further than that.

    Ideally, before including this drink in your daily diet, you should consult a nutritionist who can assess your condition individually. Since the drink is not suitable for people who do not fit into a healthy diet and who have hypertension and high cholesterol, for example. If it is a drink consumed in excess, it can even have the exact opposite effect and even gain weight, as it is still a kind of fat.

    In summary, coffee with coconut oil is a drink suitable for those who already have healthy habits, like the flavor provided and can easily include this amount in their budget, since this oil has a much higher value than the others on the market. . And never forget to consult a nutritionist, because only this professional can make a personalized diet that fits into your routine and budget. Fads can have side effects and if I were you, I wouldn't pay to see it.

    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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