Difference between spirituality and religiosity

Although many, many people put religion and spirituality on an equal footing, they are wrong. Religiosity is based on a religion. And religion consists of a set of beliefs and philosophies, having a superior as a guide for the others. This superior is a person endowed with a certain authority to determine the correct conduct for each one; that is, to determine what to do and what not to do, what are the ideal beliefs, what are the rituals and what to believe in. Religion presents us with dogmas, doctrines, and standards to follow. Only following the rules of that specific religion would there be the possibility of development, growth, expansion in life or, even, reaching salvation.

We can consider religiosity as a characteristic of an individual: once he has adopted dogmas, beliefs and foundations of a particular religion, he starts to follow them almost “automatically”.

When we say “so and so” is religious, does that mean he is spiritual? Not always. Yes, there are religious and spiritual people at the same time. In fact, some may even find their spirituality through the chosen path of religion. However, a person can fulfill all religious rituals, go to church, to mass, to the spiritist center every day... and be highly judgmental, critical, dishonest, mean, and so on...

Difference between spirituality and religiosity
Jeremy Yap/Unsplash

A person who is very religious, without actually having developed his spirituality, can even become fanatical, considering himself above others and becoming intolerant of differences. Some people of different religions hate each other, don't talk to each other, attack each other and even kill each other. Isn't that what we see out there in the world news? These people are like the Pharisees in Jesus' day. Christ called them “hypocrites,” and told them that they offered beautiful prayers and shouted for all to hear, but their hearts stank more than a whitewashed tomb.

Religious people do not always reflect deeply on the teachings of their religion; there is not always benevolent practical action; there is not always a true connection with the Divine; and there is not always a personal transformation or for the lives of others.

Spirituality is something different, which actually produces transformations in the individual's life, making him a better human being. It comes from within us. It is something that flows from our being and that brings us a connection with our essence, with the Universe and with the Creator of all things. Spirituality brings us peace, harmony and balance! It brings us serenity, teaches us to respect others and tolerate differences.

Difference between spirituality and religiosity
Marc Olivier/Unsplash

Spirituality leads us to see the other as equal to us in terms of human aspects, even though they have different options and choices, showing that this is perfectly normal, and that only then will we be in conformity with the Creator of the Universe, because HE gave everyone free will.

So, I believe, the more spiritual we are, the more tolerant, compassionate, less judgmental and contentious with each other we will be. We don't need to convert anyone! When we are truly spiritual, we don't need to bring anyone to our side, for we no longer see the other as inadequate, wrong, sinful, incorrect! Just because someone has chosen a different religion or life option than I do, I have no right to offend, disrespect or try to convert them.

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Spirituality teaches us that there is no right or wrong belief. The fact that someone does not agree with my beliefs does not mean that someone is unworthy and therefore deserving of hellfire. Thus, I come to see others as beings like me, with freedom of choice.

We need to wake up! Many religions are the fruit of self-interest and manipulation. In the past, countless atrocities were committed in the name of God. Today this is still seen happening.

I think the phrase “Whoever is not on our side is against us” only works for devolved beings who are living there at the time of Prehistory. They are still reptilian brains, who think that, in order to survive, they need to annihilate the different, and this does not match the desire of Christ, the will of God, the Universe and the Creator of all things.

Let's respect differences, my people!

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