Do you try numerous diets and don't lose weight?

See what beliefs may be holding you back and how to use your mind to shed pounds

It was a pizza with friends. Someone commented on intermittent fasting, a type of diet in which the person goes at least 12 hours without eating, and can go up to 24 hours. A woman in her 50s, with a glass of wine in her hand, commented as she took the fourth slice of pizza: “I can fast for 10 days and I won't lose any weight!”. She turned on the light in my head: if she's already decreed that she doesn't lose weight, then she lets go of overeating to prove in her mind that she's right. Yes, you always want to verify her thoughts as self-affirmation. After all what are you without your beliefs?

In the case above, the person has the belief or program of society that women over 40 gain weight and hardly manage to lose weight. Still on the issue of age, I met a person who started to gain weight after becoming a grandmother. With the thetahealing technique (which investigates beliefs and performs mental reprogramming during the meditative process), we tested the beliefs “all grandmothers are fat and all grandmothers are old” and they were positive. During the session, we canceled these programs and installed the positive ones in their place. She confidently followed the diet and began to shed the pounds she craved.

The historical demand that women feel in relation to weight, coming from society, family members, partners, makes them live in a stressful search for magical weight loss diets that, in general, are frustrating and end up generating more negative beliefs. in a vicious circle. Think about it: you just say you're on a diet and a flood of other people's opinions comes into your mind. Among them: “Carbohydrate makes you fat. You have to totally cut it", "Your family is fat, you'll never get thin", "I'd rather be happy than thin", "Diet is deprivation. I don't deprive myself of anything", "To lose weight, I have to stop eating everything I like", "If I don't eat sweets, I have a headache". There are countless protection programs formulated in your subconscious that make you always self-sabotage.

An important note: this text is for those who don't feel good about their weight. She lives frustrated, always complaining. It is also for those who have serious health problems due to obesity. The point is not to argue about whether it's good to be thin or not. It's explaining why many people can't reach the goal of eating better and having a better quality of life because they have beliefs that block them. That's why I selected the top ten that I heard most from women with these difficulties.

If I lose weight, I will cheat on my spouse.

Do you know someone who got married and gained weight? People who have cheated in past relationships associate physical well-being with sexuality and sensuality. So they believe that if they get overweight they will control their infidelity desires and keep the marriage. In this case, it is necessary to understand that it is possible and safe to be thin and to be faithful to your spouse.

Do you try numerous diets and don't lose weight?
Vadimguzhva / Getty Images Pro / Canva

If I get overweight, I will avoid relationships.

Think about that person who gained a lot of weight after a heartbreak. As much as she says she wants to find someone else, she is afraid. And she finds in fat a protection to avoid relationships and suffering. It is also necessary to change the program that being in a relationship is suffering.

I've always been chubby and I always will be.

My family is fat and so am I

If I lose weight I won't belong

In these three cases, it involves what we call primary beliefs, coming from childhood. The child who has always heard this needs to clear a lot of programs associated with the fact that he has to honor the family by repeating the pattern. As long as she keeps thinking about it, she will act to really follow the family pattern or what her parents have always told her.

I'm overweight to be loved for my intelligence and not my body

If I'm really pretty and attractive, people will think I'm shallow or stupid.

In general, people with these beliefs highly value studies and knowledge, but they still have the image of the “dumb blonde” in their minds. They also often hear phrases like: “She was only promoted because she is beautiful”, “she was promoted because, of course, she 'gave' it to the boss”. And the curious thing is that those who always make these comments in the workplace are women. So here the work is very deep because it touches on the beliefs of society and ancestors. When mental reprogramming is done, the person understands that it is possible to be beautiful and, at the same time, be valued for their intelligence.

Do you try numerous diets and don't lose weight?
Eva-Katalin / Getty Images Signature / Canva

I'm too old to shed the excess weight

Age-related limiting beliefs permeate all areas of our lives. In terms of weight and beauty, it is even more latent, in a society where the older woman is seen as ugly and the older man as charming.

It is necessary to break these archaic patterns. How many beautiful older women do we see out there? Who take care of themselves, who love each other? And that reflects on their physical and mental bodies.

When I'm on a diet I get a headache and I get cranky

Better to be happy than to be thin

I went on a detox diet last year. One week sugar-free, caffeine-free, alcohol-free and meat-free. It was an anti-stress diet, intended to improve sleep. I felt sick for the first two days and then I was fine. In the end, I lost two pounds. A lot of people asked me how the diet worked and they all replied that it was a lot of deprivation. There were numerous excuses. That they get a headache, that they get cranky, that they're having a problem now and that they can't stop eating everything they like, that they have to eat sugar every day. These excuses are mental programs that sabotage you. That simple!

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  • Learn about the different types of detox and their foods
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These beliefs are the most common, due to societal paradigms. In individual consultations, you can go deeper. I, for example, found that lack of sugar associated me with death, as during a thetahealing session I remembered the last conversation with my grandmother before her death. She was diabetic and on a restrictive diet. She told me, "If I have to keep eating this, I'd rather die." Unfortunately, she died that morning. I had no idea of ​​the impact of this on my unconscious. After that experience, I felt that my craving for sweets, which bordered on compulsion, diminished.

Now that you know everything is in your mind, are you ready to change your reality?

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