Discover the benefits of Matcha tea, a powerful source of energy

    You must have heard about green tea, or matcha, which is a powder used by many people to color food, to provide flavor to them and even in the difficult process of losing weight. In addition, matcha is also used in the preparation of vitamins, juices and even whole-grain cakes. According to nutritionists, it is recommended to consume 15 to 20 grams per day of the powder.

    Teas have been seen as great allies for people who want to lose those extra pounds quickly.

    Discover the benefits of Matcha tea, a powerful source of energy

    In a short time, matcha achieved great success in Europe and the United States. Despite being extracted from the same plant as its main competitor, matcha goes through a different process in its production, which means that it is made entirely by hand.

    In addition, caffeine and flavonoids are found in its composition, substances that help in the acceleration of metabolism and thus help in the slimming process.

    Another great benefit of this powerful tea is that it helps in muscle recovery and exactly for this reason, it is very suitable for individuals who regularly practice some physical activity.

    This powerful slimming product can be found ready-to-use at any store that sells natural products.

    Text written by Flávia Faria Santos from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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