Are “they” always right?

Today I would like to talk about something that has been catching my attention for some time. Are those sayings about the customer always being right and that candidates for a particular job are always victims valid? And what does all this have to do with self-knowledge?

You have time? Because today I think it's going to be one of those days where I write an ebook in the form of an article (laughs).

If you are like me and apply the techniques learned in courses and therapies out there, you end up putting self-knowledge in life, 360 degrees. Because if not, it makes no sense.

Working on some fronts, on the one hand I always dealt with clients and on the other with employees and even with candidates, when I needed to supervise the entire process of a certain department. I met amazing people everywhere and learned a lot from each one! I still learn. There are situations that I have already experienced and others that have been shared with me, when the issues are similar to the ones we are about to talk about.

Customers are always right, right?

Are “they” always right?
Andrew Neel/ Unsplash

I believe the above statement was created and spread in the same way that many limiting beliefs were. A lot of people, while in the customer position, really think they're right about everything. In some cases, they even end up losing their sense of respect because they think they can do anything, because after all they are customers.

It is important to say that customers are indeed right, when there is a reason accompanied by integrity, mutual respect and a good relationship between both parties.

One of the social networks that most show these results is Linkedin. I like social networks for democracy in being able to share opinions, however all this needs to be done with some care, because just as they exist for a positive exposure, they often end up being used for other not so positive purposes. Without exposing anyone, but perhaps a situation, it is possible to listen and understand the other when there are dissatisfactions in a business relationship.

Keeping a client and delivering results is very good, even better when each one understands how far the business relationship goes, fulfilling each role without harming the other.

As long as you are a SUPPLIER, always be cordial, helpful, know how to generate enchantment in your service delivery and deliver a little more than the customer expects. However, keep the respect and limits button always on. As long as you are a CUSTOMER, be patient, participatory, polite, adjust the deadline together when you need to, be flexible and deliver as much important information as you can regarding what you are working on together (the work is never just the supplier), however, keep the respect button always on.

No matter which market you operate in, respect and a good partnership are essential for the success gear to move at full speed!

you to fight

Are “they” always right?
Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

Imagine one of these situations: the candidate commits to go to a certain interview and, after being approved, gives up, disappears or starts working at the competitor soon after being hired at your company.

Whoever is an entrepreneur can feel the dissatisfaction of what it is to bear this burden. For us, starting a business in España is already a great challenge in itself. Many laws and bureaucracies end up hindering more than helping an entrepreneur/entrepreneur. The entrepreneur who does everything right as required by law, has to bear costs that were not planned, such as a sudden departure, breach of contract or even giving up an interview at the last minute. This can generate short-term and perhaps medium-term damage for him/her. It is important to emphasize here that I am talking about cases in which vacancies, for example, are suitable and not abusive.

There is a belief that the entrepreneur is materially rich by nature. That he doesn't suffer consequences, and if he suffers it's okay, he's an entrepreneur. This is a grand illusion and needs to be brought to light by knowledge beyond common sense.

light to reality

Are “they” always right?
Brooke Lark/Unsplash

Currently, there are many successful cases of entrepreneurs who turned around, starting with little or almost nothing, dealing with difficulties tripled by the simple fact of belonging to the C, D or E classes or even for being black, for example. It's so exciting when I see people walking this path of entrepreneurship, and who, despite adversity, seek to achieve their goals, because they are driven by their purpose.

For these and many others, I feel the importance of having more and more a combination of everything that exists (professional, personal, affective, financial life, relationship at work, what you eat, how you communicate, etc.) with self-knowledge. More than anything, that human development is authentic and genuine.

Pursuing improvement makes us extraordinary human beings. Allowing to enter this Universe of self-knowledge is first to know yourself and then to know the next. Understand and understand that nothing is "I don't care about the results I caused in you, because I do what I want", but rather "my choices affect your space and that's why I'll be more careful with everything I do" do so that neither you nor I are harmed by my attitudes”.

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When we talk about creating a better world, practice needs to be integral. And when you spend more time at work than with your family, the urgency to change old paradigms speaks louder. Is not it?

Propagate good, invest in your self-knowledge and that of others through therapies and even courses, be one of those people who act lovingly, regardless of the relationship you find yourself in.

Be an example, set an example and create an atmosphere of good things.

We only have to win.

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