Discover some foods that change your body odor

Did you know that your food can also influence body odor? Yeah, some foods can make you more fragrant and others intensify the bad smell. Meet some of them below.

Foods that intensify the smell of sweat:


Excessive consumption of sulfur-containing foods such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, onion, garlic, etc., are the villains of the bad smell. But, as all vegetables contribute to health, you can't help but eat them, the tip is to boil these foods for a few minutes before eating or even season them with coriander, turmeric or another ingredient that balances intestinal control.

Red meat and derivatives

Excessive consumption of red meat increases the production of ammonia, which contributes to the bad smell of sweat, especially in men. You don't have to stop eating meat, but if possible, don't consume it in large amounts daily. It is worth remembering that there are also other ways to ingest protein.

Milk and cheeseDiscover some foods that change your body odor

Milk, mainly goat and cow, when ingested ferments the digestive system and takes a few hours to be digested. Cheese also contributes to your body odor being more intense than usual. So avoid them, especially for breakfast.

Now, if the idea is to get even more fragrant even without perfume, bet on the following foods:


In addition to contributing to health and helping to keep fit, they are true natural perfumes for the body. With a pleasant aroma, they help to eliminate toxins. For the contribution to be even more effective, choose to eat them on an empty stomach. The most refreshing are: apple, pineapple, mango, guava and papaya.

Discover some foods that change your body odorVegetables

Some vegetables can be considered diuretics and laxatives. The high content of chlorophyll contained in some foods such as lettuce, celery, alfalfa and spinach ensures freshness and radiance for the skin.


Some teas can lessen the buildup of bad-smelling bacteria. Opt for mint, rose, jasmine and aloe tea that control perspiration.

Other simple tips are also essential for you to keep your body beautiful and fragrant throughout the day. avoid the liquor and those that contain caffeine to reduce or even eliminate the smell of sweat. On the other hand, take plenty water to keep the skin and body always hydrated, eliminating toxins and keeping you fresh for longer.

O tobacco, in general, in addition to triggering numerous diseases and leaving a strong smell on the hands, lips and breath, it also contributes to the bad odor of sweat. So now you have one more reason to eliminate this addiction from your life.

Text written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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