End of Year Review 2019

Once again reaching the end of a cycle. This time I don't intend to make any promises for the future, because the planning must be personal and modified as necessary, in shorter and shorter periods, so that the results are better and with higher quality.

I would like to point out here some of my observations of behaviors that have changed (or not) in these last 300-odd days.

Social networks have raised debates on the most diverse subjects, where people often discuss with great emphasis, sometimes exaggeratedly aggressive. And when they're face to face, they don't even talk, they pretend they don't even know each other. Courage only appears when they are at the keyboard with the screen in front.

End of Year Review 2019

Politics continues to ignite debates, with polarizations that can produce blindness in the face of real events. There are many decisions and absurd statements that are broadcast by internet users, and often, the truth remains hidden in the cloud of smoke that is produced and spread to all sides. And the classification of leftist and rightist is the most used by people, who believe that we are a unified society. They believed in the benevolence falsely offered in exchange for votes and low quality services and are capable of getting into a physical fight to defend their arguments. Unfortunately, I see only one division in the country: the privileged, who enjoy unimaginable perks and still complain that they receive little; and the others, which include workers who received academic training with the possibility of receiving good salaries, those who could not study a lot, those who did not have this opportunity and the unemployed. The group of “others” continues to struggle hard to maintain itself with dignity, and despite its efforts, it is constantly flayed through increases in fees, tariffs and taxes, countering what they receive in return.

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Ethnic prejudice has also been hotly debated. Many groups have talked and questioned about discriminatory attitudes that have taken place in different regions of Spain, with emphasis on stray bullets that hit innocent people; truculence of security agents, who used to really watch over the physical integrity of the population, and today kill by suffocation, see the case of the supermarket and the boy who was killed with the filmed action; brazen attacks recorded by cameras, in which the attackers uttered disconcerting and undignified words. The lack of representation in the various sectors of society at the end of the second decade of the XNUMXst century is questioned. The events in the indigenous lands were also tense, with many murders and ambushes. The continuous immigration movement of people from Venezuela continued to occur, but there was not as much prominence as last year. But, of course, these people continue to be segregated in our former hospitable country.

End of Year Review 2019

Gender inequality has entered the conversation quite often. Women have more vehemently claimed the right to occupy leadership roles, proving that they are highly competent, and have excellent business vision. Sexual harassment has been strongly contested and fought by acts that spread around the world, such as “Um Violador en seu Caminho”, which has been sung by women, who ask for freedom to come and go, how, when and with the clothes they wear. want without being molested, and an end to long-established practices in which men “think” that they can vent their daily rages and “physiopathological” needs on women, hiding in the bosom of the family or other institutions, going unpunished for years, until a victim has the courage to report it. I haven't seen it here in España yet...

Differences in wages and jobs based on ethnicity and gender insistently frequent conversations and reports around the world, and even in so-called First World countries, they continue to segregate by sex and skin color, without taking into account the so-called meritocracy, which does not work so far.

Urban violence has taken new forms, with refinement of cruelty and sarcasm. The poorest populations are suffering actions from snipers, drones that shoot, helicopters that distribute bullets at random, authorities that celebrate disproportionate and indecent deeds, worship of torturers, liberation of the use of firearms with the excuse that the so-called “citizen of the well” will be able to defend himself against the criminal who enters his residence. The illusion that a simple revolver will be a match for a machine gun is false… The noble areas are considered safer, but it is not possible to guarantee this statement, since many scenes of violence have also been documented even in these places.

Football was much quieter until recently, but the headlines also made headlines with screams of monkeys, bananas thrown, stadium destruction by angry fans, punishment for using anabolic steroids, punishment for reactions of athletes who were being publicly attacked.

End of Year Review 2019

In addition to all these events, we still have the people who have lost their sense of collectivity, who think they only have one car on the street, that they can drive in the middle of the lane; who thinks that only he has the right to watch a show and stand in front of everyone else who is seated trying to see the stage; who needs a fine for not respecting the wheelchair space in the parking lot; who is cock-faced and sits on the elderly bench on public transport, pretending to be asleep. Among the privileged, we have the most expensive smile in the country, we have the magistrate who complains about the salary being too low and not being able to live with the mereca he receives; several wrong decisions by the authorities.

It seems to me that year after year, people have regressed in their thoughts, becoming retrograde and conservative, even without seeing that they are acting this way… With so much technology, the brain is decreasing its functions in relation to community life. Scary… Negative… Contesting…

None of that… Just an alert for things to change, it just depends on people, who really want good, not that false good that only brings advantage to itself.

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