Child care. From near and far, blameless

Returning to the job market, whether due to financial need, to continue a career or even as a matter of self-esteem and constant personal evolution, is very important for a woman after she has become a mother.

Child care. From near and far, blamelessCurrently, the number of enterprising mothers is growing who, even leaving their career and job before motherhood, in order to be close to taking care of their children, at one time or another, the desire to return to activities comes to the fore, opening a business, autonomously. in a home office, in short, whatever the format, before making this decision, we must define who will be with our children.

Even working from home, when you create a new business you need to organize your day to dedicate and focus on work, as well as remain in control of your child's routine, so you need help.

Below I managed to gather some pros and cons of different help templates:
the grannies

Child care. From near and far, blameless

favorable point

This relationship of affection is always positive, as the figure of the grandmother will establish a bond with or without the daily care of the baby in her hands, so there is no confusion, in addition, love and affection are always welcome!

Unfavorable Point

You will hardly have all the control of the conducts in your hands without generating some kind of conflict, after all, people with more experience in life, always tend to want to teach us and often impose, their conducts and experiences lived in the past, but that not always , are consistent with the gift or the line you have chosen for your child. These constant frictions can generate conflict in long-term relationships, which is not good for the mother, nor for the grandmother, and much less for the baby.

As Babas

Child care. From near and far, blameless

Nowadays, it is increasingly difficult to find a serious, responsible and available professional who coordinates her attributes and services with our needs. Besides, of course, the costs that increased a lot after the arrival of the Domestic PEC. A very welcome law, because I truly believe that professionals in the area deserve all the respect and rights involved, after all, conquered rights go hand in hand with required duties. But with the crisis in España, it is increasingly difficult for us to bear these expenses.

Anyway, if you are lucky enough to have a professional of quality and responsibility by your side, great, it is very valid.

favorable point

A competent and responsible professional will make you feel very relaxed about taking care of your little one in your absence, in addition to that, being her employee, you can adapt all your child's routine and needs according to your vision - different from the case of grandma- and she will have to act on your directive.

unfavorable point

I realized from my own experience that the long-term relationships and sensations of the nanny's involvement with the child and the family can bring a certain distance between the parents and the child. That's right. When you pay a professional to take care of your child, she will become the reference for him in some simple but important aspects, in the development of his affective memories, such as bath time, meal, homework, play... at the time of fever, in short, this help, although necessary and always welcome, especially for mothers who work outside the home, requires attention.

The example mentioned above is very well portrayed in the film. “What time does she come back?” by director Anna Muylaert.

Child care. From near and far, blameless

So, so that you don't let the bonds between mother and child get lost over time, bring yourself some important moments with your child, such as dinner time, bath time, allow yourself to do everything with him on weekends. and redouble the quality in the moments when you are together, for you to always be your safe haven!

Full Time at School

Child care. From near and far, blameless

Even with the slightly higher cost, many families are considering this option, since if we put at the tip of a pencil the costs of an employee and extra curricular activities that come according to age such as: swimming, English, judo, ballet, we will end up arriving at very equivalent values.

favorable view

Children like to play with children, that's a fact!  

From the age of 3, with their immune system matured and full of energy to explore the world, being in school beyond the class period is delicious for children.

Playing with other children, doing playful and fun activities in a family universe can bring, in addition to joy, many benefits such as: learning to share, making friends, knowing and respecting social rules, establishing a coherent routine and, of course, being in a suitable environment for development, avoids unpleasant surprises, such as learning wrong terms that an employee can bring from his universe or even spending hours and hours in front of a TV or other electronics.

The most important thing is to prioritize play and well-being in this extra time, so as not to overload or lose the experience of childhood.

unfavorable view

Spending all day at school can be tiring, so attention to night rest should be redoubled for children who stay in school full time. Respecting the necessary hours of sleep, always having a light and nutritious dinner waiting for you and avoiding new exhausting activities are always advisable so as not to overload your body.

Child care. From near and far, blamelessThe relationship between the family and the school must also be highlighted before enrolling your child, understand the conduct of activity X hours of rest, learn a little more about food, access to the menu and control over how your child has been eating in institution, always helps to understand how your performance is.

And of course, redouble the quality of the time you spend together, preserving mealtimes, conversations about the day, bathing and bedtime, always being your reference for moments of affection and

In all formats, the most important thing is not to let going back to work, overload, fatigue or worries interfere with your connection with your child.

When the mother goes back to work, outsourcing care is necessary, but investing in a healthy, loving, careful and delicate relationship between mother and child is essential, there is no money to pay, no time to go back, but remember without guilt !

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