Change your relationship with food and never go on a diet again

    Do you live gaining weight and losing weight, in a real struggle against the scales and the accordion effect? Don't know what else to do to lose weight? A good tip is to change your relationship with food. That way, you'll never have to be held hostage by diets again.

    Before putting any food in your mouth, try to understand how your mind is working. First, analyze why you are eating what you are eating. Ask your inner self if you're eating it to satisfy your mind's cravings or if it's a physical need of your body.

    In general, this happens because the world and society we live in is so fleeting and so stressful that we end up directly associating pleasure and relaxation with our meals. The most sugary and fatty foods are true allies in the fight against sadness and stress. But, from the moment we reprogram our mind so that pleasure and well-being are associated with the consumption of healthy foods, we start to consume more vegetables, fruits and vegetables. Worth trying.

    Change your relationship with food and never go on a diet again

    It is not necessary to deprive ourselves of eating something. The important thing is to start being disciplined. If you're in the mood for a chocolate, eat it, but not the whole bar. Our brain doesn't need more than 3 pieces to feel the pleasure that serotonin triggers in our body. Then just make up for it during the week, with healthy and smart choices. The key to success is maintaining balance with discipline.

    Practice physical activities. Discover exercises that give you pleasure and that make you feel good. Get out of your comfort zone. Start by taking light walks, lasting at least 30 minutes a day. Then gradually increase the duration and difficulty level. There is no excuse that justifies a sedentary lifestyle. The more the human body moves, the more courage you will have to do the activities of your routine.

    Before eating a meal, close your eyes and return your attention for at least five minutes to your breathing. This type of meditation will lessen your anxiety. Eat consciously. Enjoy every bite, every serving. And above all, allow yourself to feel pleasure.

    Did you know that dieting can also help you get to know yourself better? Learn more on the website: Dieting can be an act of self-knowledge.

    • Text written by Flávia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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