A second letter of Aloha: L for Lokali

    Lokali would be working with Oneness, that is, seeking to align your body with your mind and your spirit. To align body and mind, it is important to do what you preach, to act according to your words. It is noticeable that when someone is disconnected from their body it shows that they are completely disconnected. That's because mind and body are not different things. It is through your body that the connection with the spirit is found.

    A second letter of Aloha: L for Lokali

    Breathing is what makes the link between body and spirit. The body is the outer part of the mind and the mind is the inner part of the body. You can reach your mind through your body, as you can reach your body through your mind. But the body is more palpable, it is easier to be manipulated than the mind, so a work of clearing patterns and blocks can be started by the body and succeed easily, it just needs to be willing and allowed. β€œNo problem can be solved at the same level of consciousness that created it”, said Albert Einstein and, sometimes, we need external help to move forward, seeking professionals who can help in this process.

    Many people, when they have an illness, treat the body to heal themselves, but they can only achieve a part of the cure, after all, the being as a unit is body and mind. And in the same line of reasoning there is the opposite, people who believe that every illness can be psychosomatic only take care of the mind, but they will also achieve a part of the cure.

    We know that 90% of illnesses are psychosomatic. Psycho comes from psyche, which means mind, and soma from soma, which means body, the unbalanced thought that brings disease to the body, so the search for a cure must be in the body and in the mind. Taking care of the body is having a diet as natural as possible, which already cures numerous diseases, the so-called live foods, in addition to practicing physical activities and avoiding destructive habits. Destructive habits increase interatomic spaces, weakening the energy field and leading to premature aging and disease. I didn't mention the spirit, because we are talking about the beings of this dimension and the spirit is the intelligent principle of the Universe.

    Every disease and every problem must be tackled simultaneously in physical, psychological and spiritual aspects. This search for results and solutions in different and complementary aspects, we can call the search for a spiritual solution.

    Every problem has a spiritual solution, in which the vision of it is expanded. One sees beyond the level of the problem and, therefore, we can unite this search for spiritual solutions to the knowledge of Ho'oponopono, where we do not discard, but rather reinforce the practice of the technique added to the action towards the goal and objective that we have . Your body, your mind and your soul are energy, the difference is in the wavelength of this energy.

    Lokali, then, would be working your life, your balance, your problems and your own Self in all aspects, working your whole energy, with the unity of body, mind and spirit.

    Read other parts of this article:

    | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |

    Text extracted and modified from the book Developing Your Personal Power. Ho' oponopono, Reiki and Consciousness.

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