Candidiasis X Food

Candidiasis X Food

Everyone has heard about candidiasis, but what few people know is that it already “lives” inside us. That's right, this annoying fungus that affects men and especially women, is present in our body, especially in our gut. THE Candida albicans It is a frequent cause of infections in the vagina, mouth, throat, and gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, its occurrence is very common and recurrent in people's lives.

But rest assured, our body is smart and deals very well with this unwanted guest. The problem only happens when our immunity is affected by reasons such as - poor diet, stress, diseases, sedentary lifestyle, excess medication and hormones, etc. – which generates an imbalance in our body and causes an exaggerated growth of this fungus, causing this infection that we know as Candidiasis.

The good news is that, once again, food can help you restore and balance the balance between the good and not so good microorganisms and fungi that inhabit our body.

Here are some food suggestions that help (and hinder) in curing candidiasis:

The villains:

  • Avoid consumption of sugar and chocolates: many studies show that excessive consumption of sugar stimulates the growth of the fungus even more.
  • Attention to the consumption of meat and eggs: many animals are subjected to the use of hormones and antibiotics, and their consumption can make candidiasis even worse. Better to avoid them.
  • Remove milk and dairy products from food, as candida ferments these foods, worsening the infection.
  • Avoid fermented beverages like wine and beer.
  • Do not consume mushrooms.
  • Avoid foods containing gluten.
  • Peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, chestnuts and walnuts should be avoided during the crisis in order not to aggravate the infection.

Now the good guys:

  • Increase consumption of seasonings, such as: parsley, rosemary, thyme and especially oregano (antifungals).
  • Garlic and Onion: many studies prove that these foods are very efficient in fighting candida in our body.
  • Strengthen the immune system: selenium, zinc, vitamin C.
  • Increase consumption of citrus fruits: acerola, orange, kiwi, strawberry.
  • High fiber consumption, such as flaxseed, whole grains, assorted vegetables.
  • Consume chia (rich in omega 3), ginger and turmeric.
  • Spirulina: aids in curing the infection.
  • Clove tea, aloe vera juice, oregano and coconut oil have already shown great effectiveness in the treatment of candidiasis.
  • Give preference to organic products
  • Increase consumption of water and tea.

I leave you a magic recipe to “up” the Immune System and prevent diseases and unwanted visits, such as candidiasis: “IMMUNITY SHOT”

It improves the immune system and provides good concentrations of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

  • Juice of 1 orange (fruit, not boxed);
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder;
  • 1 tablespoon(s) minced ginger

Mix all the ingredients and consume in the morning, as soon as you wake up.

Let your food be your medicine and try to maintain a balanced diet and life, balancing body & soul.

  • Understand what Body Language tells us about candidiasis
  • Candidiasis in men: symptoms, what causes it and how to treat it
  • Discover the 10 foods that make you more tired!
  • Emotional problems can trigger candidiasis
  • What is candidiasis?

Although dietary care can be extremely important for the control of candidiasis, the first step should always be a medical evaluation.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing: a practical A-to-Z References to Drug-free remedies using vitamins , minerals, herbs & food supplements. Autor: Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
Recurrent candidiasis: anticandida treatment based on supplements and food. Author: Leon Chaitow
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