6 ways to accelerate your evolution

    One of the most asked existential questions in human history is: why did we come to this world? The answer may have a vocabulary variation, depending on what era or moment you had it, but in any case, the truth is that we came to this world to evolve. And this evolution, to be complete, encompasses spiritual, mental, emotional and physical growth.

    There is no ready-made formula for evolution, because each being is unique and must go through experiences that only he can experience. What can be done to facilitate this process is to adopt some habits, which aim to expand awareness and transform people for the better. Discover six practices that can help you on your journey towards evolution:


    Meditation benefits the four pillars that make up the human being: spirit, mind, emotions and physical body. Meditation is a practice where you learn to master your mind, whether it's turning it off and clearing your thoughts, focusing on something and keeping your focus without diverting your mind or contemplating something. There are several strands that teach different forms of meditation. Try to get to know several of them, so you can choose the one that suits you best and the one that is easier to practice.

    6 ways to accelerate your evolution

    Reflection for self-knowledge

    Reflecting is nothing more than thinking, but in this case it is a thought focused on introspection and self-knowledge. You can often find a quiet, calm place to ask yourself a few questions, like: am I happy with my life? What are my true dreams? Am I being a good person to the world? And so on. The secret of this practice is to learn to be the most honest with yourself, without the interference of the ego.

    Travel and discover new cultures

    Knowing cultures different from the one where you were born is something extremely enriching and opens the mind to the truths of the world and of oneself. Getting in touch with different people brings us questions about many things and in this way, we lose several prejudices, especially about what is right and wrong. Just don't limit yourself to interacting only with a tour guide, explore and try to get out of your comfort zone, because then you will transform yourself from within.

    To study

    We are living in the age of humanity where we most have access to knowledge. Take advantage of these facilities and study. Read a new book, look on the internet about subjects that are outside your professional area, talk to people who have a different background than yours. Expanding knowledge means taking us further and further towards our truths. You don't have to agree with everything you read or consume information, but knowing that there is knowledge different from yours helps to expand your universe more and more.

    Contact with nature

    When we talk about energy, we are aware that everything in the universe is formed by it and we, human beings, are like large antennas that transmit and capture all the vibration around us, 24 hours a day. The biggest source of energy we have on our planet is nature. It emits a pure vibration, extremely strong and invigorating. Try to get more in touch with the environment and feel how your spirituality will benefit from all this energy.

    exercise your body

    As we said at the beginning of the text, the human being needs to evolve in its four pillars: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. If one of these is out of balance, the others will be affected by it. So don't neglect your body. It's no use meditating and studying for hours if your physique is not in balance. A healthy body means a healthy mind, spirit and emotions. Look for a physical activity that pleases you and is pleasurable for you and gets your body moving. Your evolution will thank you.

    Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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