Can cats eat dog food?

Choosing the ideal food for your pet can be an arduous task. There are many brand options on the market, in addition to the various types. Also, sometimes it can happen that your pet doesn't adapt to the new food; either because he doesn't like his taste, or because he is too used to a type of food that is unsuitable for him.

It's not that uncommon to see cats being fed dog food, and vice versa. However, cats and dogs have very different nutritional needs from each other. In view of the biological diversity among pets, the rations of these animals are designed according to each one's organism, prioritizing certain substances over others, according to the animal's need.

So, if you're thinking of replacing your cat's usual food with a dog food, or if you've noticed that your cat usually eats large amounts of your dog's food, pay attention to the tips below! This food substitution can cause gastrointestinal, kidney and liver problems, which can be lethal to your kitty!

Omnivores and Carnivores

One of the main differences between the eating habits of dogs and cats is the fact that dogs are omnivorous animals, and cats are strictly carnivores. This means that, although dogs can follow a diet rich in meat and animal protein, they are able to enjoy the benefits of fruits, vegetables and vegetables.

On the other hand, cats, being exclusively carnivores, need a much higher amount of protein and fat in their body. Therefore, pay attention to the labels on cat food packages and check the nutritional values. Some may bring vegetables, such as rice, in their composition, but in a smaller proportion than in dog food.

Can cats eat dog food?
Congerdesign / Pixabay

Cats need taurine

One of the components present in cat food (and absent in most dog foods) is taurine. This amino acid is extremely important for kittens. In addition to assisting in the functioning of the heart muscle, it plays an essential role in the proper functioning of the vision, in the digestive system and also in the reproduction of the kittens. As they do not produce this substance, they acquire it through food.

A diet low in taurine can lead to numerous health problems for your feline. Cats that frequently feed on dog food, or those fed by their owners on a vegetarian diet, are more likely to develop diseases. Among them, heart failure, congenital alterations, low immunity, vision loss are listed.

Preventing my cat from eating dog food

Pet owners who have cats and dogs living in the same space can often encounter this type of problem. One way to prevent your kitty from feeding improperly with your dog's food is to set feeding times for each of the pets.

However, cats are known for not being animals that feed on a fixed schedule. In this way, it is recommended to leave small pots with the cat food scattered around the house. You can also define a place in your house to serve meals exclusively for your puppy, preventing the cat from approaching at these times. As soon as your dog finishes eating, remove the leftover food from the bowl, sanitizing it well. That way, the kittens will not have contact with leftovers of this food.

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Remember that food is the basis for a healthy life for your pet! If in doubt, consult a veterinarian. He will guide you in the best way possible!

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