broccoli quiche

    Who doesn't love to eat a nice pasta dish? It can be pasta with sugo sauce, a four-cheese lasagna or even a broccoli quiche… All the options available bring the most varied flavors to our daily meals.

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    In this article, we present you a little of the history of one of these delicious foods: the quiche. What do you know about her? Have you had the experience of preparing yours and enjoying yourself right away?

    broccoli quiche

    history of quiche

    A French twist on German cuisine, so we can define quiche. Traditionally part of French cuisine, quiche was actually born in Germany and has stood out over the years for being a light option that can be eaten anytime.

    But how come you were born in Germany? People explain. Quiche is originally from the Alsace Lorraine region, which is now part of northeastern France and borders Germany.

    The region was the scene of several turf wars between the Germans and the French. At the time of creation of the dish, the province was under German power. After many struggles between them, the region was retaken by France and in 1945 it was called by its current name again. That is, the quiche originates in Germany, but is a typical dish of France.

    One of the best-known quiches today is Quiche Lorraine, a recipe based on sour cream and eggs stuffed with bacon. The French gave the original pie this name during the XNUMXth century.

    broccoli quiche


    • The word “quiche” comes from the word “kĂĽchen”, which means “pie”. What differentiates it from the others is the fact that it is open and has a filling that contains milk cream, eggs and even nutmeg.
    • Today, quiche is known and consumed all over the world, but its popularity began only after the Second World War. The first connoisseurs were the English and then, in the 1950s, the recipe gained strength in the United States. After that, it became world famous.
    • It is already possible to find several fillings and types of quiche, such as broccoli, arugula, mushrooms and even salmon quiche.

    broccoli quiche

    Quiche Of Broccoli

    Ingredients to make the dough:

    • 2 eggs;
    • 2 cups of wheat flour tea;
    • 2 tablespoons of cold water;
    • ½ cup of butter;
    • A little bit of salt;
    • Butter for greasing.

    Ingredients to make the filling:

    • ½ bunch of broccoli;
    • 2 chopped garlic cloves;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 2 tablespoons of oil;
    • 1 can of cream;
    • 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese or a cheese you like;
    • Salt;
    • Black pepper (if you want).

    How to make the dough:

    First, mix the ingredients in a bowl and knead lightly. If necessary, while mixing you can add another spoon of water.

    Then cover the dough and leave it in the fridge for 30 minutes. In the meantime, start greasing a round pan that has a removable rim.

    When you take the dough out of the fridge, roll it out and line the bottom and sides of the pan you've already greased. Make small holes in the dough with a fork and take it to the oven preheated to 180Âş C. Bake the dough for 20 minutes.

    How to make the stuffing:

    First of all, you must cook the broccoli. Once they are ready, chop them up. Then heat the oil and fry some garlic, then add the broccoli already made. Saute them very quickly.

    After this preparation, season the eggs with salt and pepper and beat them. Add the cream and mix well until smooth. When removing the dough that was already in the oven, take the broccoli ready and place it on the bottom of the already baked dough. Take the egg mixture you made earlier, pour it on top and sprinkle some of the cheese.

    Finally, just take all this mixture once more to the oven and let it bake until the filling is firm and a little golden. Broccoli quiche is best served warm.

    broccoli quiche

    benefits of broccoli

    Rich in several nutrients and composed of several anticancer properties, broccoli has a high amount of iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, omega 3 and vitamins A, B, C and K. In it we can also find folic acid, a great ally of the brain , especially when it comes to fighting neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

    In addition, the vegetable still helps in the fight against several other diseases, in the prevention of aging and even in the slimming process. Below is a list of some diseases that can be prevented with broccoli consumption:

    • Cancer;
    • Heart disease;
    • Problems linked to toxins in the blood;
    • gastric diseases;
    • Infections;
    • Anemia;
    • Lung problems;
    • Cataract;
    • Joint problems;
    • Diabetes.

    broccoli quiche

    Vegan Broccoli Quiche

    Every day that passes the number of vegetarians and vegans increases. In this way, finding recipes – traditional or not – that can be made and consumed by them is essential. Thinking about it and all those who have opted for a lifestyle where love and equality prevail, how about getting to know the vegan quiche option?


    • Two and a half cups (of tea) of chickpea flour;
    • â…“ of a cup of iced water;
    • ½ teaspoon of salt (or the amount you prefer);
    • â…“ of teacup of vegetable oil or olive oil;
    • 4 cloves of garlic, chopped;
    • 1 chopped onion;
    • 250g of broccoli;
    • 500g of chopped tofu;
    • ÂĽ teaspoon of turmeric or turmeric powder;
    • ½ teaspoon of salt;
    • A little nutmeg;
    • 1 tablespoon of oregano;
    • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
    • 1 teaspoon of powdered chemical yeast;
    • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or white vinegar.

    How to:

    1 – First, preheat your oven to 0ºC.

    2 – Mix the chickpea flour and salt in a bowl. Then add olive oil (or vegetable oil) and continue mixing until it has a texture similar to coarse crumbs. Add the cold water little by little, until you get a homogeneous and smooth mass.

    3 – Put that same dough in a removable background shape, modeling well. Then poke holes with a fork and put everything in the oven. Leave it there for 15 minutes.

    4 – While the dough is baking, prepare your filling. In a pan, put a little oil and sauté the garlic with the onion. Add the already washed and chopped broccoli, season with a little salt and sauté a little longer.

    5 – With the broccoli sautéed and ready, start another process. Take a blender, put the tofu with salt, turmeric or turmeric powder, olive oil, a little nutmeg, lemon juice or white vinegar and beat everything until it turns into a cream. Then add the baking powder and beat a little more to mix.

    6 – Take the cream and mix it with the ready-made broccoli. Take the dough that has been baked for 15 minutes, put this mixture on it and then bake it for another 20 minutes. Keep an eye out to see if a crust forms on your pie. When you reach that point, your vegan broccoli quiche is ready.

    broccoli quiche

    Quiche Lorraine

    Ingredients to make the dough:

    • 150g cubed butter;
    • 2 cups of wheat flour tea;
    • 5 tablespoons of ice water;
    • 1 teaspoon of salt.

    Ingredients to make the filling:

    • 4 eggs;
    • 2 cups of milk cream tea;
    • Âľ cup of grated gruyere cheese;
    • ½ cup of diced bacon tea;
    • nutmeg, salt and pepper (to taste).

    How to make the dough:

    In a bowl, mix the wheat flour with the salt. Add them to the cubes of butter and knead until crumbs form. Then add the cold water until a smooth and homogeneous mixture is formed.

    Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the fridge for 1 hour.

    After you have the dough, place it in a removable background form of approximately 24 cm in diameter. Line the bottom and sides. Finally, take the dough to the preheated oven at 200ÂşC and leave it for about 30 minutes.

    How to make the stuffing:

    In a bowl, whisk the eggs with the cream until the mixture is smooth. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Then place the bacon in a skillet and leave it there for up to 3 minutes, until it starts to brown.

    Remove the dough that was in the oven and reduce the temperature to 180ÂşC. Take the ingredients and first place the grated cheese on the bottom of the dough. Then add the bacon cubes. Lastly, fill it with the egg cream you made.

    Take the pan and put it in the oven again to bake for another 30 minutes. When you see that the quiche has puffed up and is golden, it's done.

    So, did you like it? Approved the recipes? Now it's time to get your hands dirty (literally) and make your own broccoli quiche.

    Bon appetit!

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