4 health tips that will change your life

We live such a hectic lifestyle that often small attitudes go unnoticed and can change our lives. Small, simple tips, when followed with some regularity, can even change your health and well-being. For this, we put together a guide of quick and practical tips that will help you be a better person in every way.


It sounds cliche, but sleeping well is still the most valuable tip of all time. Shutting down your body for about 7 or 8 hours of sleep a day will rid you of a number of diseases, in addition to leaving you with the energies charged to live the next day.

Do physical exercises!

4 health tips that will change your life

The first set of tips is pretty simple, things we all know but don't actually practice. To complete our health and well-being tripod, physical exercise is missing. No one can stay in a good mood and active, in perfect health, if they don't practice at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily. If you are one of those who thinks that your day doesn't support the time spent in a gym, think that those 30 minutes more sleep in the morning could become your activity of the day, improving your well-being and health in a radical way.

If you still think you don't have time to exercise, make small changes. Swap the elevator for the stairs, avoid using the car for shopping or nearby activities, carry bags at the supermarket and if you have extra time, use your strength to wash some clothes that would go to the machine by hand. These changes will already make your body more active and you will feel the difference.

Eat well!

Food also plays an important role in our quality of life. If you're not used to having breakfast, try changing your routine a bit. Consuming fruits, nuts and cereals in the morning help to build and maintain the energy acquired during a good night's sleep, which makes you less hungry during the day, making you eat less, avoiding the extra pounds.

Take care of your mental health!

4 health tips that will change your life

Another very important point is our mental health. What are you doing to keep your mind healthy and free from unnecessary problems? Start by thinking about what is really worth caring about. Then think about whether that problem can be solved by someone other than you. Free your mind from bad and pessimistic thoughts, be generous and feel better about it. Well-being causes an increase in satisfaction hormones, making you happier and more fulfilled every day.

Try to schedule yourself to do an activity that you enjoy and that gives you pleasure.

Being healthy makes you happier and that's a choice only you can make. Try changing small habits and feel the difference!

  • Written by Marcela Cappato of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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